sandy situations

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'tch, he was such a drama queen.'

   "ow," namjoon whined, curling into himself and away from hoseok, who was crouched before him, slender fingers gently prodding at the younger's awkwardly positioned ankle. "ow! seok, that hurts, stop it!"

   hoseok tutted and maneuvered himself so he was sitting on his bottom instead before moving namjoon's leg in order to place his injured ankle into his lap; truly, his boyfriend was the only one capable of breaking a joint while trying to look for crabs. "well maybe it wouldn't hurt if you weren't standing on top of those rocks, huh, baby?"

   the younger of the two only huffed and looked away, covering his darkening face with his forearm; hmph! hobi gave a fond laugh and reached over, gently ruffling his pouty boyfriend's damp hair; his laugh only became louder when namjoon whined and pushed his hand away. what a brat.

   hoseok supposed he shouldn't have been teasing him so much though, seeing as though the skin around his ankle was starting to seriously swell and discolor, but he couldn't help but to poke fun; namjoon's pouty lips and flushed cheeks only egged him on, really. a few minutes of silence passed - save for namjoon's little dramatic moans and groans of pain - and hoseok leaned back onto his hands, looking around for a moment, and letting out a sigh of relief once he noticed the others were finally on their way back from grabbing lunch.

   he took a second to wonder why both his boyfriends were as dramatic as they were when jungkook immediately dropped his bags - ignoring jin's yells of disapproval - and sprinted over to them, falling to his knees at namjoon's side.

   "what happened?" he demanded, and hobi could've giggled at how serious the youngest looked, with his brows drawn together and his hand grasping onto joon's with worry, but he quickly decided that he didn't want to get his head bitten off by an angry bunny boy. namjoon blushed and hoseok 'tsk'd', stretching his legs out in the sand. the action caused a movement in namjoon's injured ankle and he let out another whimper, sounding almost identical to a wounded puppy. jungkook's frown deepened.

   "our joonie here thought it was a bright idea to stand on those boulders over there to look for crabs. he ended up slipping and taking a pretty nasty fall," he pursed his lips and sighed, "now he's got a broken ankle because he won't use that big brain of his."

   far too embarrassed to say anything, namjoon remained silent, even as his youngest boyfriend began to fuss over him. he only played with the hem of his shirt and huffed, either shaking his head or nodding as jungkook bombarded him with questions. yes, he was okay. yes, he was in pain. yes, he'd stand on rocks in order to look for crabs again if given the chance. he hadn't noticed that jungkook had left his side until he was being lifted into a pair of arms.

   startled, he let out a yelp and hit his hand against the younger's shoulder, who only held him tighter in response, "we're taking you home." and..namjoon suddenly felt like a little kid because, "no, i want to stay here. i didn't find any crabs ye- jungkookie!

   then, jungkook stopped in his tracks and cursed underneath his breath; who the hell gave his hyung the right to be so cute? the youngest sighed and..he turned around, retreating back to their previous spot and setting namjoon down into the sand. he then sat down behind him, caging namjoon in between his legs and wrapping his arms around his hyung's torso. the taller of the two grinned triumphantly and gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek before turning back around and digging his fingers into the damp sand.

   he giggled gleefully at his cute little findings, and hoseok gave a playful scoff from his place in front of them because namjoon hadn't even so much as flinched when he began to wrap his ankle in a temporary cast with the first aid supplies he'd gathered; tch, he was such a drama queen.

[ idea credits : dimpleboyjoonie on here and ao3 ]

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