remedy me

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"...let go for hyung."

   namjoon was pretty; so so pretty, and oh so..pliant. prettily tanned limbs that stretched for miles and strong thighs that flexed beautifully with each gradual glide of his boyfriend's hand. a curvature so sleek that had him bending up off of the all-too-soft mattress and full pink lips that supported the soft whines and wanton whimpers that slipped from in between them painted the prettiest of pictures.

   seokjin gave some sigh of content and paused his movements, but only to tightly wrap his slender fingers around the younger man's swollen base, which pulled a high-pitched mewl of disapproval from him. namjoon had been so strung tight, leaving him exceptionally desperate for his release, and it was painfully obvious in the way he rocked his hips and squirmed about in a futile attempt to urge his boyfriend's hand.

   "you were being such a good boy. don't stop now," seokjin's voice was like silk as he practically purred out his words, but there was a teasing smirk hinting behind his usually kind eyes. the younger man immediately stilled, melting against the mattress once again in his desire to maintain his ever-going obedience; though, his desperation was still evident by the clenching of his thin fingers around the expensive material of the sheets and the pressing of his teeth into his plump bottom lip.

   seokjin hummed out a pleased 'good boy', but removed his hand completely, causing an immediate spring of tears to namjoon's eyes as he lost the small amount of friction he was receiving. stern, but never cruel, the elder of the two only sat back in order to motion for namjoon to sit in between his legs, which the younger did, clumsily, but still in the blink of an eye.

   seokjin laughed and namjoon would have been embarrassed if it weren't for the fact that his boyfriend had captured his lips within his own in a hot kiss just moments afterwards. the younger did his best to keep up with the intensity of the show of affection, even if he did let out the tiniest of gasps when jin finally wrapped his hand around him again. his muscles had gone lax, but his body still jerked when seokjin began to move his hand in a smooth pumping motion, and he grasped onto his boyfriend's arms, the synchronization of their lips stuttering as he moaned.

   "such a pretty baby," seokjin sighed out once he finally pulled his mouth away, giving his flustered lover a chance to breathe. namjoon shook, his breath coming out in short pants as he arched away from jin's broad chest, toes curling and thighs quivering as pleasure encased his entire being.

   "you've been working so hard for us, baby," the eldest cooed as he quickened his pace, thumb rubbing over the younger's dripping slit as his other hand pressed against joon's chest to pull him flush against his own body once again. "let go, hm? let go for hyung."

   namjoon's climax hit him like a truck and he couldn't help but to cry. seokjin eased his arms around his boyfriend's shaking body and kissed the salt away from his lips, holding him in a loving embrace as he took his time to recover. it took only a few minutes, and namjoon sniffled then, drawing his legs up and turning in order to bury his larger frame into his boyfriend's body.

   jin giggled, stroking the younger's messy blue locks of hair in an endearing manner as his dongsaeng nosed at his neck; he could feel the soft brush of namjoon's lashes against his skin as he blinked and couldn't help but to feel completely enamored.

   certainly, not too bad a way to end an exhausting day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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