Chapter 2 - Assessing the Situation [Partial Rewrite Complete]

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Malacañang Palace, Manila
Situations and War Room

1 Day After Transferrence
Minutes Before First Contact

Deep within the underground complex of the Palace, President Peralta and the executive members of the National Security Council convened in the Situations and War Room. This heavily fortified bunker, situated ten feet beneath the Palace, served as their gathering place during times of crisis or war.

However, on this particular occasion, the room had a different purpose.

President Peralta addressed the executives and advisers seated before him, his voice filled with concern. "Can someone explain to me how we lost all communication with the outside world?"

For hours, the government officials had been discussing the nation's current predicament. The previous day, the entire country had been engulfed in an inexplicable barrier of light, severing all connections and communication channels with the rest of the world. Satellite communications, radio frequencies-everything had been disrupted. Speculation about technical glitches or a cyber attack from China had circulated, but no evidence had surfaced. Even the Chinese embassy experienced the same communication blackout.

"We are still investigating the matter, sir," responded Secretary of National Defense, Carlo Isidro. "However, our detectives and technicians have concluded that there was no sabotage on our communication grids."

"Very well," Peralta replied. He turned his attention to the other executives and inquired, "Are there any other pressing issues?"

Secretary of the Interior and Local Government, Enrique Dela Rosa, rose from his seat and reported, "Apart from minor crimes and small-scale unrests, there are no significant concerns, sir. However, we are facing challenges with resources."

"Oil and natural gasses will be depleted in approximately two to three decades," stated Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, Michael Ejercito. "Until we discover new deposits or establish contact with the outside world, we must find alternative solutions."

Dela Rosa interjected, "Additionally, there have been reports of 'unusual distortions' in our domestic network by the PSA and DOST. The PSA plans to launch a low-orbit satellite for low-earth observation and to restore wireless communications."

"Make it a priority," Peralta demanded. "We need all the intelligence necessary to restore our connectivity swiftly, especially if the CCP decides to attack us again."

"Yes, sir," Dela Rosa acknowledged before retaking his seat.

"Now, let's discuss our military. Has our military capabilities been compromised in any way?" Peralta questioned, and Isidro promptly responded.

"Our military remains unaffected, sir," Isidro assured. "The majority of damages we've experienced are from accidents that occurred during the recent 'event'."

"Good. That's one less loose end," Peralta acknowledged, turning back to address the rest of the executives. "We find ourselves in a situation unprecedented since the Sudanese Civil War in 2019-completely cut off from the rest of the world. However, we must remain prepared and resilient, just as our predecessors did during the Spratly Islands Crisis of 2035."

All present nodded, fully aware that their strength and unity were vital for surviving this crisis. Drawing from the lessons learned during the Spratly Islands Crisis, which led to a shift in Philippine foreign policy and increased military spending, they must devise new strategies to prevent the nation from collapsing.

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