Chapter 4 - The Hounds of War

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Philippine Embassy, Principality of Qua-Toyne

Several months have passed since the transference to the New World, known as Elysia by the locals after translating written papers through AI, and almost two and a half months since Qua-Toyne met and form diplomatic relations with the Philippines. Up until now, the republic is still reeling from the economic stagnation but it has recently starting to rise.

The nation is still adapting to the 'new normal', writing off old articles related to domestic and foreign policy that streamlined for Earth's geopolitics while adding new economic policies to be able to immediately adapt in the changing nature of Elysia's changing dynamics like reverting back to the gold standard. But still keeping the dollar value as it is.

Outside the nation, Filipino investors began an investing spree within Qua-Toyne and Quila, a recent addition to the slowly growing nations with friendly relations with the Philippines. They started infrastructure projects such as improvement on housing and accomodation as well as comfort and ease of living. Those investments both increased the value on Qua-Toyne's and Quila's own economy, providing a lot for the people. This also led to people living in rural areas to flock to cities, increasing investments.

Education was also improved through new education programs and new curricular learning system, providing everyone education and increasing the educated in both countries. This resulted in the increase of demands of new schools, which also helped with the economy.

Adding to the infrastructure projects were the addition of a sewage system and water piping, which helped in providing water and better sewage to prevent diseases from spreading to populated areas. A solar farm was constructed as well as powerlines were added as well, providing power to every city and town all across the two nations.

Roads were another thing in the infrastructure projects. Many roads were converted into paved roads, giving travelers a more robust and smooth roadway for ease of trade. These roads connected every single city and town, they even connected to both Quila and Qua-Toyne.

Investors continued to pour everything on the two countries. However, core technologies such as artifical intelligence, nuclear power, and many mechanical technologies are banned from being export thanks to the Technology Export Prevention Act of 2043, which prevents any of said core technologies to fall to unknown hands.

Through the implementation of the TEPA law came the question over the exportation and the introduction of modern weapons and advanced weapons systems to the locals.

Considering the dangers of such weapons at the hands of untrained and uneducated state, it was decides that such weapons would be restricted to defense only with a limited amount of stockpiled ammunition. Any use of them for acts of aggression against the republic or against non-aligned states would result in the export ban and heavy sanctions to the said nation.

However, modernization of militaries are still on the table and training of personnel to modern warfare are given approval by Congress. But since exporting weapons are still restricted under TEPA, only small arms, anti-aircraft guns, and light armored vehicles are available for both nations.

And through the military modernization programs came the question of Louria, their neighbor in the west.

According to the Qua-Toynan intelligence, Louria had been actively acquiring military equipment and magic crystals, a type of power source for the use in magic technology, from the Parpaldia Empire, a major power in the geopolitics of the region and one of the major superpowers of Elysia.

Through arms purchases and illegal arms buying, Louria wss able equip its armed forces with weapons and equipment to a level comparable to the Spanish Empire at its peak. By comparison, Lourian infantry are well prepared for warfare and are numerous.

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