Chapter 5 - The Opening Hours I

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A/N: Firstly, before ya'll start reading, a disclaimer:

This chapter has small amounts of gore, but not enough to get this story taken down. I just want to that point out.

Anyways, its been awhile since I posted a new chapter. I'm still not dead yet, just busy with preparations for my Recognition/Awarding and Graduation. But nonetheless, I was able to rewrite this chapter 5 times because I can't seem to properly write the first sequence of the battle (i.e. introducing the two forces and the beginning of the battle via Louria charging at the Qua-Toynans).

Then there's the PAF joining via jets. There there's also the IFF shit along side the intro of the jets. Then the follow up after the charge back in the frist few paragraphs. Its too much for my brain. All in all, there's a lot of cut content.

Also, this is part one of two since the chpater would be long if it is one.

Second Also, I have made some changes to the last two chapters. Although small, are largely important details for this chapter.

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter where I ultimately wrote one of the worse medieval-style battles and air combat in fanfiction/novels.
Lourian Army, Eastern Subjugation Army

Consul General Pandour watched on his horse on top of a large hill the town of Gim and its makeshift defenses. From his position, the whole battlefield layed over him with the flat terrain of the central region of the Qua-Toynan-Lourian border.

Behind and below him, the 80,000-man Eastern Subjugation Army, recently reinforced with 50,000 soldiers of the Western Army, marched in sync and formation. Their boots stomping on the grassy land, making boot marks as they passed. Behind those soldiers were carriages and horse-pulled bronze cannons, the latest weapons bought by the Department of Arms Procurment.

The whole objective of this attack is to occupy Gim and use the town as the staging ground for their upcoming main invasion of Qua-Toyne. Pandour felt as if he's a god, looking down over the demi-humans and those furry-loving bastards of his own race. It was a pitiful sight, his own race having to fight them for the sake of those demi-human monsters.

But all of that will end by the fire of his copper cannons and the ends of his army's blades. Today, Gim will fall to his army. And the rest of Qua-Toyne will follow, to complete the vengence Louria and her people sought after their war decades ago.

The war, the Lourian-Qua-Toyne War, commonly referred to as the Great Schism of Rodenius by many in Louria. The war that devastated Louria's economy and military to the point the kingdom almost fell to a civil war. The war that humiliated Louria as a military power in the outer regions of the Civilized Areas.

From what he could remember, the war started when their old king, King Jurn Louria XXVII, wanted to unify all of Rodenius into a single nation. However, the Qua-Toynans and the Quilans refused his offer and instead declared war against Louria.

For 8 years, both sides fought in bloody battles. But Louria was weak at the time, still not able to both supply and increase the army until it was too late. As such, Louria was always at the backfoot.

The war ended with the surrender of Louria, which led to the death of King Jurn.

Now, decades later, after Qua-Toyne's own civil war that turn them into the weak state they are today, its finally Louria's turn.

As he shook his head off from day dreaming, Praetor General Adem walked up beside him with an uncanny and eerie stare against Gim. "Consul General, the wyverns have reported their recon mission."

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