Chapter 7 - The Opening Hours III

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A/N: Finally finished with the last part of this three-part chapter.

This took awhile as I needed inspiration and was busy with spitting facts and corrections with a guy on Youtube (with yours truly winning the arguement. Atleast the guy is friendly and capable of admitting his mistakes compared to others).

Anyways, I hope you like this full shitshow of mistakes, lore, and overall fun chapter and I'll see you around.
Town Hall, Town of Gim

Moizi stood behind the window along side two officers and what remained of his army. Outside, soldiers of the Lourian Army stood at the ready. Their guns pointed at them and ready to pounce his already diminished, exhausted, and weakened force.

Just recently, a few seconds ago actually, Praetor General Adem, the 'Butcher of Louria' and leading the encirclement infront of him, had given him a choice. Either he surrenders or fights to the last man, both are not really great choices to Moizi and his men. And worse for the civilians they're protecting.

Moizi is baffled that he and his men have lasted for this long. Most of the time, an outnumbered force would have already fallen or surrendered 10 minutes into the battle. He felt like he was General Hamkon of the Royal Qua-Toyne Army in the Battle of Jakosta during the Lourian offensive in the war decades ago. A force of 300 soldiers in the old Lourian fortress of Jakosta against a legion of over 14,000 Lourian soldiers. Guess how did that go?

Nonetheless, any choice he makes would ultimately end up dead. As for his men? Would end up Dead. The remaining civilians below them? Would also end up dead.

Moizi felt as if everything is falling down again. He has failed his men, the ones he promised to keep them alive and return them to their loved ones. Then his promise to the people of Gim that he would protect them, now lie shattered when the defenses fell.

"Captain." One of the soldiers called out. The soldier's face filled with fear and concern. "We...what should we do now?"

Moizi fell into deep thought, his mind racing as he tried to process the overwhelming situation before him. Despite his extensive training and years of combat experience, he found himself at a loss. Even despite the knowledge on military tactics, none of that had prepared him for the current predicament. This scenario was unlike anything he had encountered in his military career.

He recalled the countless seminars and training sessions he had attended, each meticulously designed to hone his skills and expand his tactical knowledge. Yet, as he reflected on those experiences, he realized they were all tailored to address the intricacies of modern warfare. They had focused on the coordination of ground forces, air support, and advanced weaponry. They had not, however, equipped him with the tools needed to handle the unique and unexpected situation now unfolding before him.

Moizi felt a growing sense of frustration. How could he, a seasoned warrior, be so unprepared? The seminars had been comprehensive, covering everything from urban combat to counterinsurgency operations, but this scenario defied all the conventional wisdom he had absorbed over the years. Despite his best efforts to draw on his training, he was left grappling with uncertainty of his ability to truly lead this battle.

"We...we should surrender." One of the officers suggested. "We can't fight on like this. The nations has abandoned us, our Filipino allies have abandoned us, we are at a critical moment where we live as cowards or die as heroes. And I choose the former."

A few soldiers nodded in agreement. The mentality of surviving has always been ingrained on a person's mind. Whether they're in a deadly situation or in a fatal accident, the instincts of survival always flows within the mind.

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