17 1 0

-If someone could see my soul
through my eyes they would cry ,
whenever they did -


I was carrying her home on my back.

Aish! She's so heavy. It hurts.

"Jimin hyung let m-"

"I'm fine!" I huffed at Jungkook's sentence

"Jimin , the thing you're do-"

"I know!" I huffed at Taehyung's sentence

"You shou-"

" I know what to do!" I huffed at yoongi hyung's sentence

This morning, I was so happy even tho I shouldn't be but I was at the new nickname I just got . She made me feel special. I felt more comfortable around her-

I heard footsteps behind me to see Eun woo running, he stopped just beside me . He was out of breath

"What did y-ou do to h-er?" He shouted, out of breath

"I did?" I questioned

"Give her to me , I'll carry her not someone like you!" He shouted more

"I don't trust you , and I'm her bodyguard " I said emphasising the word bodyguard

"Oh really? But you look weak and pale huh? Are you even physically fit?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows

Jimin . Stay. Clam.

"Jimin! Let's go!" Yoongi hyung spoke with his dominant voice and I started walking Yoona and Eun woo following us and also talking with Namjoon and Hoseok hyung.


We reached the dorm and Taehyung unlocked the door and I straightly headed to Y/N's room covering her with the sheets. She looked so pale and weak , I couldn't bare it. I felt the emotions and feelings, I never felt for anyone rather than the boys. She definitely was someone special.

I heard some footsteps behind , all of them were suddenly there.

" All the boys out! Let me change her clothes"
Yoona ordered and we all followed like small puppies and went out of the room.


Soon Yoona came out and I was nervous.

"Is -i-s .....I mean what happened to her?" I asked

" I don't really know , but she'll be fine" Yoona replied and smiled , maybe it calmed me

"And you , shithead you don't worry" she further added

" I know but...." Eun woo's words trailed off

" But what?" We all asked in unison anxiously

" I have seen her like this before too....." His words again trailed off and Yoona looked at all of us with pitiful eyes

Seen her before ? In this condition?

" W-what do you mean?" I asked

" I don't know but....she looked weak and pale when I asked her about her break up , she didn't answer me yet went home early also didn't pick my calls for two consecutive days" he said and sighed

Yoona sighed too

"Well we hope she gets well soon , Tell her to call me once she's fine , I guess it's going to rain soon, we should get going right honey?" She said as she emphasized honey and looked at Eun woo

"Huh? .....oh yes ...yeah we'll be going now" They bid goodbyes and soon left

" Hyung I'm worried" Jungkook expressed his thoughts with Namjoon

"I'll just get a check on her" I said as my feet automatically took me to her room

There she was , I'm not sure if she's unconscious or sleeping....so, I decided to sit beside her for a while ... It started to rain heavily

oh no!

I was looking at her when she slowly opened her eyes . She looked around trying to adjust with the dim light hitting her eyes

She started to sit up

"Ah no no" I tried to protest but of course it wasn't any use

"Ah!" She hissed in pain as she massaged her fore head

"Wher am-" she didn't speak anymore

" Ho-" she looked around and found herself only in a oversized t-shirt that was barely covering her upper thighs

She looked at me

" What are you looking at me that way? Your friend changed your clothes..........umm....but you look h-" I closed my mouth when I realised I was crossing the line

" But what ha-" I stopped as

The lights went off .

Goddamn mother of chairs!

"Maybe it's a small power cu-" I said

I looked Y/N she was barely visible, in her room she had low - E glass windows which further more had external shades . Which means Sunlight couldn't jump in.

I looked at her she looked pathetic? She-

Soon I started to hear sobs

"Omo! Y/N w-what happened? Are a-re you alright?" I panicked not really knowing what to do I hugged her until her soul melted into more tears and she calmed down a bit her hot tears kept on dropping on my shoulder, I felt bad

" He-h -he i--is c-om-comi-ing" she mumbled in her sobs

"I-its alright no one's gonna hurt you ! Not until I'm here , you got me and I got you Y/ N" I said trying to console her

"J-Jimin, please s-save m-me ...I-I ca-n't b-e-ear h-i-him" she again said

Suddenly the lights were switched as I heard heavy and many footsteps coming , she broke the hug she still looked scared that's why she has held my shirt tightly

"Hey Ji- .....Y/N! What happened to her? Di-d you-?" Jungkook looked at me

" No! No I guess she has some trauma...look how pale and miserable she looks ..... I'm not gonna spare that mother fucking son of bitch whosoever made her feel so pathetic!!" I cursed

"Hey hey! Calm down , I'll take care of Y/N and go Hoseok hyung is calling you" He said as I had no other option

" Remember. You can share anything with me and I'm always there for you and that son of bitch ain't going to hurt you girl" I said as I stood up and planted a kiss on her forehead , probably leaving her in shock

I came out of the room


My exams just ended and now holidays so yeah and also I'll be posting 🙂 more frequently 😁

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