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-Cause nothing remains the same-


"Wake up!" You heard a loud voice

"Wake up , it's quarter twelve! How long will you sleep now?!" A known loud voice which grew closer

"Bitch! Wake up!" There was a very loud voice which made you wake up in a instant

Adjusting your eyes to the light and recognising the faces , your face turned into a question mark.

"Eun woo? Yoona?" You asked scratching your neck

"Are you some kind of sleeping Beauty of what? Just look at the time" Yoona said

"Tsk..I thought you were dead" Eun woo mumbled and Yoona hit him on his head

"Ouch! It hurts" He complained

"Girl , wash up and come we'll have breakfast together today" Yoona said and looking at her expression, You knew she was dead serious.


"So..." Yoona sighed

It was just the three of you in the room and awkward silence was filled in the house.

"Y/N, what the actual fuck? Why the hell you are dating In-yeoup and moreover you didn't even tell us?!?!" Yoona said with a serious expression

"What? I'm dating him? Wait. I mean yes I am. But why are you so angry?" You asked

"After four years of neglecting him , why are you suddenly dating him?" Eunwoo asked

"Because I like him , now." You lied

"You can't lie to us" Yoona said

"Why? Why do you think like I just can't like someone or have feelings for someone anymore, how many times should I tell you? I've moved on and I am not scared of him , I am better now. I want to live my life" You said out of frustration that was caused by the thought of Kang Dae Seong.

"Y/N we both know , that you just need time and I hope you'll figure things out soon , I won't force you on anything, Y/N you're grown up and you will have to take decisions on your own " Eun-woo said and Yoona agreed

And with that they left.

You sighed and got up from the couch and came out of your room.

Just to see Jae Hyun looking at you.

"I'm telling you , if you are going to lecture me about yesterday's incident, let's skip it , I'm already exhausted without even doing anything, so leave me , Oppa" You said and he just smiled at you

"No, I was just about to say that I think you are finally getting over things and trying new things in life , I hope that you can be how you want to be" He said and came closer and whispered

"Don't let father take over your life , even though he loves you alot but no one knows you better than your own self, so shut do what you want , being happy is good , you deserve to be happy" He smiled and took the bite of his bread slice that he was holding in his hand

"Alright, I'll be meeting someone today so be home , I suppose that you shouldn't go out today , as many things might happen, so take care" He said and left

Jae-Hyun seems bold and cold but he cares and loves you alot , to him his world is you and his father. He cares a lot.

"Hi, Y/N!" Hobi cheerfully said

"What would you like to eat?" He asked

"No, I'm full" You passed a gentle smile

"Then how about we play some games?" He asked

"I guess not right now" You said

"Okay! Then..." He looked at you for a while and just smiled and went to the kitchen.

"Today is weird" You sighed and sat on the couch turning on the Television.

"What can I watch?" You said while looking at screen and multiple options

"Fifty shades of grey" A voice said which startled you

and you turned around to see Jimin sitting on the other edge of the couch with a small smirk on his face.

"Why? How? I-I mean why do you want to watch that? Weirdo." You said

"Then what you'll watch? you child. Transformers? Pokemon?" He mocked

"Only if I liked it" You rolled your eyes

"Well , You know today's weather is just perfect" He mentioned

"So? What am I supposed to do with that?" You said being annoyed and eyes fixed on the TV screen

"We can..go out and have fun" He said

"We? You mean us? All of us?" You asked now looking at him and waiting for a answer

"No, just the two of us" He said

"I have plans , sorry. Some other day" You said

"What plans? Can you tell me?" He asked trying not to be rude as he was annoyed

"I....do have a ...you know some plans" You said

"With whom?"

"Whatever, matter where I go you'll stick with me just like a puppy, so either I want to be with you or not , I'll have to be with you" You sighed and acting like you don't like it when he's with you.

He chuckled
"But we both know that's the only way you feel safe and sane , with me. Don't you?" He said

And his words hit you. You found yourself realising that with him you feel way too much safe which you shouldn't be feeling.

"Shut up!" You huffed

"You look like a kitten when you get angry" He said

"And you look like a pig!" You threw the cushion at him and ran and he ran behind you laughing and chasing you.

Running while looking behind, you bumped into someone.

"Ouch!" You said

"Stop running, you'll get hurt" Joon said

"Ye-yes" You said looking at him , Joonie smiled sweetly at you and left

"Hey , Y/N tell me fast! Where you going? I need to be ready as well!"

"I'm going to club with , Eun woo ,Yoona and In-yeoup" You said

"Why In-yeoup?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"Duh. He's my boyfriend" You said
And he rolled his eyes

"Keep rolling them , maybe one day you'll find your brain back there" You said mimicking him.

And both of you giggled.

"Be ready by five , okay?" You said

"Hm, but what you're gonna do till then?" He asked

"That practically shouldn't bother you" You said

𝓐𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷'𝓼 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 //𝓹𝓳𝓶Where stories live. Discover now