Part Four

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Scott and Jimmy were resting by a pond when they came. Scott had been watching a crow fly around while Jimmy was napping in a tree. Suddenly undead zombies were pinning him and a startled Jimmy to their knees.

Although Scott was terrified, he was also confused as to how they got here when just a second ago he'd been completely fine.

A zombie came up to the two of them.

She was different than the others having red hair with flowers spread out along it. Her clothes were ripped and some of her rib cage was showing.

She was accompanied by a man who wore a moss cloak and had dark toned skin.

The woman held a sword to Scott's neck, "d-don't you dare touch him!" Jimmy said but he was ignored.

"Your kind has no right to be in this forest, leave now or you will perish." She said, Scott took a deep breath, "you want us to leave?" "Did I stutter?" "No, but your friend might."

The woman whipped her head around to see her partner being tangled in vines.

Only the top half of his head was visible. The woman turned back to Scott sword raised ready to slice him down, but just as she started to lower it a wolf ran into the clearing and rammed into her side sending the woman flying.

"JOEL!!!" The woman shouted just as a man with a green streak in his brown hair ran out after the magnificent creature.

"GET YOUR WOLVES IN ORDER!!!!" "It's not me doing it!" Joel protested as seven more wolves came in and started attacking the undead. Jimmy ran over to Scott as he raised his hand towards the sky.

The crow that had been circling the fight then swooped down and started attacking Joel.

"Stop" Scott said calmly and just like that both the wolves and crow halted their assault and looked at him waiting for his next order.

"You can't be serious" the woman said, "you're not human!?" Joel said angrily.

Scott smiled, "that is correct, neither me or Jimmy are human" "what do you want" the woman asked, "no, can you give me back my wolves" Joel corrected, "sure, but first you need to promise that you won't attack us first."

"Fine we won't attack you" the woman said and just like that all the wolves went to Joel's side and the crow landed on Scott's shoulder.

"Let Bdubs go to" the woman demanded, Scott looked at Jimmy who nodded.

"AAH!!" Bdubs shrieked as the vines sank back into the earth.

"What are your name?" The woman asked

"What's yours?"

"Cleo, now will you tell us?"

"Sure, I'm Scott"

"Say uh... sorry for attacking you we thought you were humans" Bdubs said, "it's fine, I wasn't really worried, but how did you do that?"

"Oh! I can manipulate time and Cleo can raise and control the dead" Bdubs explained, "and I don't actually have powers the wolves just took me in as one of their own." Joel said shrugging.

"What are your powers?" Cleo asked tilting her head at the two of them, "well Jimmy's a healer and I kind of can control any living thing that isn't a human or something like that."

The three stared at Scott in disbelief.

"That is bloody insane" Joel said after a while.

"Being accepted by non humans when being a human is insane" Scott pointed out.

"Fair enough"

"How long have you been together?" Cleo asked.

"Two weeks give or take" Scott shrugged. The three gave each other a look before Cleo spoke up again.

"Want to live with us?"

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