Part Twelve

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The group was stunned into silence not quite sure they had heard their leader properly.

"R-really?" Tango asked sounded a lot more awake and a lot more scared then he had been a minute ago.

"I understand if none of you want to do this, Ren is already a backup volunteer, I just wanted to put it out there just in case anyone else would want to volunteer."

Jimmy thought about it, as a healer he wasn't going to be much use to them anyway considering he had no offensive or defensive skills.

So taking a deep breath Jimmy said, "I'll do it"

"Are you sure about this Jimmy? If one of us gets hurt we will need your healing abilities."

"I'm sure of this, the rest of you all have powers that could really put a dent in the humans sides, all I can do is heal."

"Healing is a very rare power" Joel pointed out

"I know, but just let me have this"

Lizzie looked at Jimmy for a bit before nodding her head and saying, "if that is what you wish to do, then we have no right to take away a choice that you freely made."

"Th-thank you Shadow Queen"

"It's no skin off my nose to let someone keep their ability to choose, I am here not as a dictator, but as a leader. I am not going to rid anyone of you of rights that you should always have. If Jimmy wants to do this, and if it's something he is sure about doing, then we have no right to stop him."

Slowly the group fell into applause and Lizzie smiled.

"So let's do this I guess" Bdubs commented once the clapping had died down. Lizzie nodded, and with that the plan was set into motion.

Jimmy walked into a random clearing, looking over his shoulder every few minutes.

Spotting a blackberry bush, Jimmy stepped over to it to collect some of the berries. While he was supposed to act scared Jimmy had to admit, it was nerve racking just wandering around knowing that at any moment he could be kidnapped.

Of course he was technically supposed to get kidnapped, that still did not stop him from kinda hoping he wouldn't.

Jimmy heard some rustling behind him, and he whipped around to see a human holding a net out in front of him.

The man blinked as if confused, before shouting "GET IT!!!"

Jimmy bolted as twenty arrows shot at him from all sides, a blonde man with a bandanna rushed over to him and no knocked him to the ground.

Jimmy tried to scramble away, but two more grabbed him and started tying him up. The bandanna man put a rag in his mouth to prevent him from speaking as the first man put Jimmy into a net.

Jimmy squirmed and wriggled as the man flung him over his shoulder, but it was purposely in vein.

As the human soldiers started to walk away, Jimmy saw Lizzie appear for only a second to give him a thumbs up before disappearing once again.

Well this was a predicament.

Jimmy eventually got tired of trying to wiggle his way out of the net, and just let the soldiers take him wherever they were going to take him.

Every once in a while the bandanna man would throw a glance his way, but that wasn't what Jimmy was focused on.

What he was focused on was the plants around him.

Maybe it was wishful thinking, but he was pretty sure that Scott was watching over him through the plants.

Soon Jimmy was brought into a large dungeon.

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