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An event that happened every millenim. A meeting in which the most powerful beings in the entire universe decide the fate of their creations. This simple moment is known as the Valhalla conference.

Just now a sentence that would mark the beginning of a story full of tears, rancor, revenge, joy, despair and hope would be written.

"Now let me ask you." Said the elderly leader of the group. "About humanity's survival for the next 1000 years. Should we spare them? Or... should we finish them off?"

In a few more seconds the gods are supposed to start sharing their opinions about humans. Those opinions would lead to nothing more and nothing less than the unanimous decision to exterminate them and before this is done, a Valkyrie would shout in defense of the humans proposing a challenge.

But as said before, this is what was supposed to happen.

"Stop!" A voice exclaimed, a male and unknown voice.

The gods turned to look and find a young man who seemed to be close to his thirties. The young man (his own opinion) wasn't exactly spectacular to look at except for a slightly futuristic appearance. Still, there is something that the gods immediately noticed.

"What is a mortal doing here!?" Shouted an enraged god before the presence of the man.

"How did this get here!?" a goddess yelled, rising from her place in protest.

More and more shouts of anger and indignation rang around the council while some gods looked ready to eradicate the human right where he stood. Sensing the danger, the human decided to use his secret weapon.

"Wait please don't kill me!" The human begged as he raised his hands in fear. "I'm here to help both humanity and the gods, so wait a second for me to give my reasons."

While many of the angry cries were gone, the outrage was more than present. The gods however decided to listen to the human, after all, the enemies the gods shared and humans tended to be ferocious monsters like giants and titans.

"T-Thank you." The human said in a relieved tone. "I guess introductions come first. My name is Casimir, and first of all I come from a different universe."

"A different universe!" Shouted a hoarse and high pitched voice at the same time. "What kind of crap are you saying!?"

The progenitor of the voice was one of Odin's two ravens. Muggin, the white raven to be exact.

"I'm serious!" Casimir exclaimed in order to save his life. "Th-Think about it! Valhalla is in a different dimension than Midgar. How could a human get here so easily without technology capable of doing that?"

"There has already been a human with similar power." Huggin said in a menacing voice... Or as menacing as a crow's voice in the middle of the day could sound. "What would make you any different than him?"

Some gods started looking at each other in confusion. Was there a human capable of doing that? Odin looked at Huggin with his good eye in a threatening manner causing the raven to let out a small cry of fear.

"No no no no no. I'm weak, the reason I do is..." Casimir froze for a second before falling to his knees and hitting the ground. "WHY IS IT THAT ALMOST EVERYONE I SUPPORT PERISHES??!! DAMN IT!!!"

Some gods looked at the human with some confusion and others looked at him as if he was totally insane. Casimir was slightly shocked when he realized what he had just done, so he decided to stand up and act as if nothing had happened.

"Ahem. I'm so sorry." Casimir said before looking at the gods. "I swear it won't happen again, anyways, you don't have to believe me. Bring me a screen and I will show you a universe where the same events that are going to happen here will happen there. That universe is about six hours ahead this one so while you wait I wanted to give the valkyrie up there a list of people I'd like bring in so I can make this viewing much more... interesting."

At the mention of the Valkyrie, the gods turned to see the place where Casimir was pointing and indeed there was Brunhilda accompanied by a young girl, the two of them were watching the scene in total confusion.

"What do you think Lord Zeus?" Hermes asked his father.

Zeus, the old god looked at the frightened human carefully. Honestly he would have let him die the moment he entered the council, threat or not. But there was something in the man's words that interested him, something that might be... Amusing.

"Very good guy." Zeus said as he raised his gavel. "Let's see what you have there. In the meantime the Vallhalla council is postponed."

Dictating the decision, the god crashed his gavel against the base of the manner.


How is it going. Before any of you ask, no. This is not a new story, this is the english tranlation of the only spanish story that I have in my profile.

The main way to identify them is due to the cover, in the spanish one the humans will be there and in this one that gods will be on the cover and in the RWBY the confrontations will be there.

I will try to update this sotry whenever the spanish story is updated so... Have fun reading this story in the future.

For some extra detail check the meaning behind Casimir.

Thanks for reading. Bye Bye!

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