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Record of Ragnarok does not belong to me, all rights belong to it's creators Umemura Shinya, Fukui Takumi and Azychika and is distributed by Comic Zenon and Netflix.









A heavy silence had fallen into the room. Not a single god of the million present could believe what was happening, their minds being unable to bend at the idea that humanity had somehow managed to find the way to injure a god.

Meanwhile the side of humanity made as much sound as they could, celebrating the amazing feat of the man known as the Flying General.

"Th-This is impossible." Ares said looking at the screen in pure disbelief. "There is no way a human has the power to do something like this!"

"You human, what did you do!?" Shiva asked Lu Bu looking just as shocked as the rest of gods about the harm inflicted on Thor.

"Like hell if I know." Lu Bu said barely paying attention to the god of destruction. "I didn't know anything about you gods up until recently. Hell, not even when I came here did I meet a god."

"If that's the case, then the only people that could have a way to harm the gods would be..." Hermes whispered before turning his eyes to see the Valkyries. A smile formed on his face. "This promises to be one entertaining day."

There was no panic. There was no scream. There was not a single cry.

The only thing that Thor did as as he watched blood slwoly slips down his chest was to put gently put his hand on his chest. Pulling away his hand he contemplated it, verifying that the blood was real.

"Shit." Ebisu said while scratching his eyes over and over again. "Shit. Shit! Shit!! SHIT!! You're fuckin' with me! What kind of crap did all of you pull off to do this, you bastards!?"

"Ebisu, calm yourself down." Benzaiten pleaded the god, pulling him from the shoulder to sit down.

"Like hell I will!" Ebisu exclaimed before pulling out his gun. "Ain't no way a human of all things managed to harm a god! They are pulling some shit right on our faces, that... that's blasphemy! And as such those sons of a bitched deserve divnie punishme-"

The god turned to point his gun at Lu Bu, but that was the end of his attack. The moment he did so, Thor had appeared in front of him, the god of thunder looked down at the lucky god with silence. The eyes of the gods met and that was all which was needed to make a single order be given to the weaker of the two.

'Sit. Now.' Said the eyes of Thor while at the same time promising pain if disobeyed.

Ebisu kept his gun up for a second before deciding that it wasn't worth it, putting it down and sitting down.

"Thor-sama was injured by a mere human!? Are you kidding me!?" Forsfeti asked as he along with the large majority of the gods looked on in terror.

"What the hell... he is not messing around." A god said in disbelief.

"Of course he isn't." Leonidas said while putting on a wide smile. "The fate of all of humanity is resting on his shoulders. He would need to be a dumbass to play around now of all times."

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