Chapter 1: I Forgot

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(HELLO SUCKERS and welcome to the thing I shouldn't be doing and should instead do my homework .Art by yours truly)





Sapnap's POV

*knock knock knock *

I jolted awake just in time to hear someone speak "hello, is anybody home?" the voice who knocked at the asked "yeah come in George" I said tiredly ," oops ,did I wake you up." George spoke out "yeah no I've awake for hours" I replied in a sarcastic manner

"oh ,Great ! I came to ask if you wanted to go mining with me today!" George excitedly said ,oblivious to my sarcasm "sure, just let me get ready and I'll be out in minute yea" I stated , albeit a bit more aggressively than I wanted to "ok!" he responded ,seemingly unbothered by my aggressiveness

So I changed out of my pjs and into my usual flame logo t-shirt with my lovely black turtleneck and black baggy pants ,and then I grabbed my pickaxe and sword along with a few extra blocks ,just in case

And so I stepped out of my house through the door ( why would you go out through the window anyways , I only go out the window when I sneak out) and then went down to the coordinates George told me to meet him at
                                          ~~~ ~~~~~~After a lot of Walking~~~~~ ~~~

I finally got there and boy was it far I met George along the way and we just talked about some things like what to do tomorrow and then I turned to my side expecting to see Dream for some reason only to remember that he is in prison

When we got at the coordinates there was a ginormous cave that seemed to go down really deep due to the lack of light

Then I remembered





I FORGOT TO BRING TORCHES , oh no how are we supposed to see oh my XD

I think George could see me slightly panicking and then took this as the right time to say "Don't worry Sap I brought torches and everything else we need ,after all I was the one who asked you to come-"oh thank you so much George!" I tackled George into a hug , I was soo grateful he brought torches because to be honest I'm a bit afraid of the dark ,but no one knows except for Karl, George and . . . Dream.

Yeah ,I sorta miss Dream but , who wouldn't ,well a lot of people but Dream was my best friend , and I haven't seen him in ages but then again I betrayed him, he wouldn't wanna see me anyways (idiot of course he wants to see you again you're his best friend)

Then I began going in the cave first with George following after me , putting down torches as he went

After a while we found a bunch of ores and began mining

we were mining peacefully until a text popped up in chat that made my eyes widen and water in fear

Dream tried to swim in lava 0 Cannon Lives Left

I was full on sobbing and George was comforting me while I was comforting him we both cried ,and no mobs seemed to go near us for some weird reason

'why. . .WHY DID I JUST THROW HIM IN THAT PRISON! I know that me and George knew damn well that the prison wasn't finished ,so why, why did I throw him in there with no hesitation,if I hadn't thrown him into the prison then he wouldn't have died' Sapnap profusely thought

(Your dearest Author~San would've found a way to kill him for the angst anyways so don't worry ;).  )

I looked at George through my teary eyes and I decided to speak up "we-we should get going for now" I said ,crying a lot less now but there were still tears streaming down my face silently while my voice had a hint of sadness in it.

When we were walking back ,it suddenly got dark so we decided to spend the night a village we saw a few blocks away

thankfully the villagers welcomed us ,they also looked a bit sad ,but then again Dream was the admin of course they were sad , I think I dunno


Next Morning


Me and George woke up next morning and said our thanks to the villagers for letting us stay ,and then we were off on our way ( OMFG THAT RYMED )

when we got back to the smp most people were just walking around as if nothing happened , I mean like I couldn't blame the people that were new to the smp, they never even knew Dream

but for the people that knew him ,oh I felt angry ,HOW CAN THEY JUST GO ABOUT THEIR DAY AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED, at least a few people might miss him, hopefully.

After we got there I almost immediately ran to Puffy's house cause as Dream was her adoptive son she might be in shambles

The second I got to her house I knocked on the door with tears streaming down my face, George right behind me

When she opened the door I took notice that her eyes were red and puffy ( pun intended ) and that there were tears streaming down her face and her hair was a mess

I hugged her on the spot "I believe yo-you heard w-what ha-ppened" she whispered in between sobs "I did -and I'm so so sorry Puffy" I stammered "it's okay- it's okay" she sobbed she seemed as if she was trying to convince herself that it was 'okay'

George soon joined in on the hug and we all cried together, we were getting a few weird looks from bystanders ,but I could care less

Soon after we went inside and Puffy offered us some tea

"how could this happen?" George shakily said as he drank the tea "I- I don't know" I quietly responded

"le-let's talk about that later, I don't think I can handle anymore crying" Puffy suggested I don't think I can handle crying either at this point

So we just talked about normal every-day things , though the atmosphere in the room was very tense.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dream's POV


I woke up in the middle of the woods and I was honestly ,very confused how did I get here, wait ,what even is here , who am I

I Forgot

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1144 words

you're welcome this is the first proper chapter and I am very proud of myself

I wrote this when I was supposed to do homework Lmao

cya fuckers

cya fuckers

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