Chapter 7: Seriously

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the weather today is a 'lil bit of cursing and cuss words as far as we're aware, so have a good day)


My/Author's POV

"Well this was quite The Reveal" Niki spoke tears brimming her eyes

She wanted to deny that Dream was dead for as long as she possibly could, she wanted to think that he had gone somewhere for a few months, and that he was coming back soon

But her little bubble of denial was burst the second that she saw Dream-well Daydream-walk out from behind Tommy, and then right then and there she was faced with the reality the Dream truly was dead and that he was now an adorable ,innocent ,little ,shy ghost, that went by the name 'Daydream', he was the opposite what he seemed to be when he was alive

"Well then Daydream" She began, making sure to use the correct name "would you like anything? "she asked, with a smile on her face

"um, could I please have 2 cookies? " He shyly answered "MAKE THAT 4" Tommy shouted ,as he was at the back

She chuckled "four cookies it is, do you want the chocolate chip one" She once again asked

A chorus of yeses rang out through the bakery, one voice being louder than the others

She gave the kids their cookies and then went to talk to the others

"so, you wanna explain" She asked

"to be honest, not really ,no" Sapnap started "but I guess we have to, uggghhhh" he groaned

"let's get to the point ,Dream died, we don't know how, he's lost all his memories, and we just figured out that he has two older sibling who were the ones to actually cause all the chaos" George briefly explained to Niki, cuz Sapnap sure wasn't going to explain

"okay, I'm pretty sure I got all that, who are you going to re-introduce him to next ?" She asked

"Well, I was thinking-" Sapnap began, but was interrupted by George "trying out new things I see" Gogy spoke with a smirk "*gasp* how dare you, IMMA MURDER YOU" He yelled while chasing George around, he was clearly overreacting ,and he knew that because he was laughing while chasing Goerge around the room

after a while he finally stopped and they were able to say who they were planning to introduce Daydream to next

"We were planning on re-introducing him to Eret ,and then after that, well, I dunno" Sappity Nappity finished whilst shrugging

"what about Foolish, or maybe Puffy? " Niki suggested

"well then after we re-introduce him to Eret we'll also show him to Foolish" George reasoned "but what about Puffy" Niki asked with confusion painted on her face as to why they ignored the request of showing Daydream to Puffy

"Puffy already knows, she's taking care of Micheal right now" Sapnap explained to which Niki replied to with a nod

"So, can I help with Daydream in any way" She said while gesturing to the ghost who was almost done with his cookie

"well, you could try to trigger some memories I guess" Geoge suggested

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