Chapter 8: Breaking The 4th Wall

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(How are you all, I will make this fluffy fluff, and I will attempt to incorporate the shipping so ye

Maybe Swearing
That's all

Good luck)

Mine/Author's POV

"Seriously" Lucid Spoke

"So umm, guess we're heading over to Foolish's place" Sapnap awkwardly began
(Bear in mind that I completely forgot where Foolish lives and pretty sure it's a desert, pls correct me if I'm wrong)

"Yup, anyways, we should use Nether travel, since it's quicker" Tubbo's words were muffled because he had stuffed the rest of the cookie in his mouth due to the fear of Tommy stealing it again

Everybody nodded, except for one person, Daydream

You see, since Daydream is a ghost, he has never seen the nether before, or even heard of it, sure he'd heard if some talk of the End, and he was smart enough to know that he was currently in the Overworld, but that begged the question, what is the Nether

"Wait, what's the Nether, I've never been there before, is it fun? " He asked, with pure curiosity laced in his voice

"I mean like, depending, the Nether can be fun, but it's practically hell, ya know, lotta of fire, a few hostile mobs, mostly red, and spooky!" Nightmare explained to his younger brother, he was very excited to be speaking of his favourite place

"Yeah, it can be fun, if you're absolutely mental, but yeah, it's practically that" Sapnap said

"Seems interesting, I like it" Daydream beamed with a smile on his face which was hidden with his mask, but everyone could see that he was genuinely happy to be going

"Suit yourself" Sapnap shrugged

"Anywaysss, lets get going, we don't have all day, we'll, I think we don't anyways, meh, either ways, it's better to get there earlier rather then later" Ranboob voiced out, usually Tubbo would speak, but he was still finishing his cookie

Then everyone nodded yet again, and they said their goodbyes to Eret, and rushed off to the Community Nether Portal

Once they got there they stepped in the portal, one by one

Eventually, it was Daydream's turn to go in, but he was very scared

You maybe, just maybe, might think that he's scared of the nether, but he's scared of the portal, he doesn't like how ominous it look

So Ghostbur decided to grab his hand and talk to him

'Hey, calm down, have some blue, if you want I'll go in with you" He offered

"R-really?" Daydream said, on the verge of tears though no one could see that due to his mask

"Really, I'll go with you, you can even hold my hand if you want" He re-assured, though it was no secret that he was blushing upon saying that last line

"Okay" Daydream said, still a bit un-sure, but he held Ghostbur's hand tightly and walked through the portal

Ghostbur didn't mind the portal ride, in fact he quite liked it, 'cause he got see quite a few colours including blue

Daydream on the other hand
He felt a bit sick because the portal was all twisty and bendy and made him wanna throw up

But the second he got to the Nether he completely forgot about the portal, and instead was fascinated by the world around him

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