Chapter 3: ,What

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Hello ,I feel unmotivated . . . yay




Author/My POV

"Who Are You?"

Daydream asked "eh, Dream do you not remember " Ghostbur spoke ,with a frown etched on his face "no ,sorry, and my name's Daydream" Dream whispered apologetically ,in that moment Ghostbur noticed that Dream was floating a few inches off of the ground ,just like him "you're a ghost too aren't you!" Ghostbur beamed "y-yeah" Daydream shyly added to Ghostbur's statement "well, I'm Ghostbur! " he introduced himself "ok ,I assume you live with those two " Daydeam pointed at Techno and Phil

"yeah! Phil is my dad and Techno and Tommy are my brothers ," he chimed "let's go upstairs I wanna talk to you about the smp! " Ghostbur brightly suggested to Daydream "sure ,it seems fun !" Daydream added , now mimicking Ghostbur's energy

The two ghosts left ,leaving only the adults and the children in the room

"Ok ,when and how did this happen ?"" Phil wondered out loud, "well it probably happened when Daydream was in prison-" wait wait wait ,hold up, Drea-Daydream was in prison ." Techno interrupted ,he was appalled that Daydream was put into prison without his knowledge "well yes, we just assumed you knew" Tubbo piped in

"No , I did not know . . . and did you know how dangerous it was to put Daydream into prison" he(Techno) said the word prison with such venom dripping from his voice it would sound as if he was talking about the devil himself

"N-no ,why the fuck would it be dangerous anyways, he hurt all of us he was the dangerous one " Tommy ranted confidently as if he had said the most obvious, most correct thing ever ( newsflash : he didn't get it right )

"1. it was dangerous to put Daydream into prison as his mental state was never the best 2. Daydream didn't hurt you, I don't know who but not Daydream 3. Daydream's usual Alive Dream personality is just like Ghost Daydream's personality 4. if you wanted Daydream to be a better person than he was during the wars ,then just give him some therapy, XD knows he needs some " Techno listed out all the reasons he thought Tommy was wrong

after that last statement Tubbo and Tommy were shocked to say the least, now that Technoblade listed it out it seemed to make more sense

"ooohhhh, wait. SO WE PUT HIM IN FUCKING PRISON FOR NOTHING!!!!" Tommy shouted "yep, pretty much" Techno nonchalantly answered ,as if Tommy didn't yell louder than the Ender Dragon's roars

"We should probably tell the rest of the server that Dre-Daydream is dead though, or would that 'cause too much trouble " Tubbo added to the conversation "would probably 'cause too much trouble to tell them all at once, let's start with the people that were close friends or in a close relation with Daydream" Phil explained

". . . . . . . " silence , it was anyone could hear right now ,until "Wh-why did you get so silent." Phil nervously stuttered "wellllllllllll, maybe 'cause since Daydream went to prison no one has been close to him or in contact with him " Tommy explained

"let's start with George and Sapnap! " Tubbo brightly chimed ,as if he didn't hear what Tommy had said "ok sounds good to m-""GUYS COME QUICK ,SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH DAYDREAM!!" Ghostbur shouted from upstairs, interrupting Techno while doing so .

Quickly, the four of them rushed up the stairs, the exact same thing on their minds , 'what happened to Daydream'

................................. With George ,Sapnap and Puffy in Puffy's house............................................

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