Chapter 2: Who Are You

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how r u all






Dream's POV

I've been walking around for ages but I haven't found anyone , but the forest is very pretty, I've noticed I have a mask so I was about to take off my face but something told me not to so I didn't

After some walking I saw a field with a few cows so I went towards it ,there were 2 people there one of them had brown hair with pale blue eyes and was wearing a green button up t-shirt with brown pants and black shoes , the other had blonde ,hair sky blue eyes ,and was wearing a white t-shirt with red details at the top, black pants ,green bandana thing around his neck ( HELP I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S CALLED) and black combat boots

I decided to go and ask them what this place is

I was getting near, when the one with blonde hair quickly took out a bow and shot me the arrow went straight through me which confuse me but I brushed it off,and I got closer ,the 2 people seemed confused and scared

I went to ask them what's wrong

"Excuse me sir ,but do you know where I am ?,and also are you ok you seem a bit scared ?" "huh , oh yeah I'm fine ,but why the fuck are you here the one with blonde hair questioned, rather aggressively might I add ,he had a strong British accent

"oh ,me ,well I don't really know how I got here, and also who are you"


Tommy's POV

"Who Are You?"

What a simple sentence could make me feel

I was so confused as to how Dream , the tyrant that killed and manipulated many people including me , didn't know who I was

I thought he was toying with me until I noticed that he was floating 3 inches off the ground ,he also looked pale ,like white sort of pale

And that's when I realized




Dream is dead , he's a ghost ,he doesn't remember anything

I looked behind me to see that Tubbo had caught on ,I knew that he had caught on because had a sad and guilty expression on his face.

He gave me a nod ,a short simple gesture ,it meant that he was going to talk next

So I stepped back and let him speak "hello I'm Tubbo and this is Tommy ,who might you be?" Tubbo had asked his brother,with a friendly smile on his face, he had asked who Dream was despite knowing that it's the warbringer who took many lives

"Well my name is-wait, what is my name?" he wondered aloud ,confusion painted on his face

Me and Tubbo were taken aback ,we knew that ghosts forgot things from when they were alive ,but to forget your own name, it must be horrible .

Hey look at me, sympathizing with the villain of the story (he feel proud btw, just letting y'all know)

Tubbo seemed worried so he asked "what can you remember. I'll give you a book to write down everything you can remember ,ok?"

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