Chapter 6: The Reveal

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(IT'S ONE A.M. AND I AM SUPER POWERED WITH COFFEE SO AND I QUOTE "Let's start this shit already"- Myo Mya 

anyways um



and that's all for now folks)

Author's/My POV

They finally arrived at L'Manburg after 4 hours of travelling by boat ,and well let's just say Tommy's stomach doesn't really comply with the rocking of the boat, well anyways back on track

"Hey guys how do you think that the others will react to well" Tubbo cut himself off  whilst gesturing to Daydream's ghostly form

"Honestly Tubbo, I don't really know, some of them might be relieved and some of them might be angry, but overall ,just gotta wait and see" Sapnap spoke out,and didn't pay much attention to Tommy who had been looking sick

To be honest he had been looking sick the entire ride soooo

"Meh, we'll worry about that later, or maybe just never" George voiced out
"Sure, what do we have to lose at this point" Sapnap agreed

"What do you have to lose? Like your home, your friends, your life, your standing in this community, your pride, your joy, I could go on all day but we're losing light so let's go" Nightmare listed out all the things we had before then whining about how we were wasting time

"Jeez, way to think positively Night " Daydream whined about his brother's negative thinking

"Well I'm sorry if that's what I stand for" Nightmare remarked sassily whilst rolling his eyes

"Cut it out you two, we're already here" Lucid intervened in their little argument that could've escalated into something bigger

They slowly got off of their boats onto the L'Manburgian docks

Thankfully no one was there, they decided the sleeping arrangements

Tubbo, Ghostbur and Tommy would go to Snowchester with Ranboo and Micheal

Sapnap, George, Lucid, Nightmare and Daydream would stay at the community house

and Puffy would go back to her own house

So after that they all headed back to their assigned housing for the night

With the Dream team + Nightmare and Lucid

"Night Night!" Daydream exclaimed

"Goodnight Daydreamie" Nightmare spoke

"Goodnight" Lucid blankly said

"Night" Sapnap said with a yawn

And George was already passed out

With the Bench Trio + Micheal and Ghostbur

"off to bed now Micheal" Tubbo cooed at his son                                                                                                    "Night night Dad and Dadboo, and uncle Tommy, and Ghosty!" Micheal exclaimed 

"Night Micheal!" Ranboo and Tommy said at the same time                                                                              "Goodnight " Ghostbur added with a yawn at the end                                                                                               

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