Chapter 5: Chocolate Then

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(hi bros ,gals, and non-binary pals, I will force myself to write for you so yea, you're welcome



and I think that's it


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"It Happened" Tubbo firmly spoke "W-wait, what do you mean 'It Happened' ,what happened ,was Daydream dying supposed to happen " Geroge stuttered

"Well not exaaaactly, " Tubbo stretched his words

"We just assumed that he would die at some point in his life" Tommy explained "just not this early in his life" both Tommy and Tubbo muttered almost in sync

"D-did you expect him to die" George stuttered ,his eyes wide in disbelief.

"George, I-I think that they did expect him to die, but he can't die unless -" Sapnap explained but was cut off ,due to him not wanting to admit that Daydream had killed himself
Even though it was sadly true

(Well technically I killed Daydream, but we're not gonna talk about that 😊)

The silence that followed had the atmosphere of the room tense up, as I believe none of them wanted to believe that Daydream had oofed himself ,but they had to come to terms with it someday

"Daydream had-he had k-killed him-self" Puffy  sobbed,

Ghostbur's eyes widened as he wondered just why someone would do that to themselves

"Do you want some blue🔵" he offered to Puffy ,smiling whilst pushing his thoughts away .

Puffy nodded her eyes still brimming with tears as Ghostbur handed her some blue

Ghostbur handed out blue to everyone who was in the hallway
They all thanked him after getting their blue,to which Ghostbur could only smile at .

Then they saw a head simply pop up from the door and eventually a body, and they saw that it was Daydream, and so ,soon after Daydream phased through he door Phil opened it like a normal person, with Techno ,Nightmare and Lucid following after him

"DAYDREAM!" all the people who were originally in the hallway exclaimed loudly Ghostbur tackled Daydream into a hug and Daydream simply laughed "hey guys" he beamed with a pure close eyed smile on his face,

seriously, they all had to cover their eyes because he was so bright and pure

and they still couldn't believe that this bright and pure person had once been the tyrant that ruled over the server with an iron fist ,that made everyone tremble in fear as he walked into the room, yet now ,he had the mindset of a curious child

"hey guys , we're going to L'Manburg today, okay " Tommy informed the other "okay, then who's going ? " Phil questioned his youngest "well me, of course, as well as Tubbo ,since he's the president, and I was planning on also taking Daydream ,George ,Sapnap, Ghostbur and Puffy" Tommy listed out the people he would be bringing, "Oh, and also Nightmare and Lucid, if they wanna come of course" He (Tommy) suggested

"we'll come don't worry 'bout it ,we have decided that we'll never leave Daydream's side again" Nightmare declared "okay than that's 9 people that'll be 5 boats ,counting the fact that Sapnap, George and Puffy brought their own ,with one person going on their own, so who's okay with going on their own ?" Tommy asked
" I'm okay with going on my own" Puffy replied to Tommy's question

"Okay, so Puffy's going on her own I guess, and so wants to go with each other, Imma go with Tubbo" Tommy declared whilst softly ,but swiftly, grabbing the brunette's arm ,and Tubbo laughed at the taller's eagerness.

They all had grown up since all the wars ,and all the problems with the government ,it was sad seeing how these children grew up so fast ,but that's all in the past ,because now everyone's okay and the server is fixed, of course everybody has scars from well, everything, but they're healing, slowly, but surely.

"I'll go with George " Sapnap stated ,while George only nodded to show that he was okay with the motion

"can I go with Daydream ?" Ghostbur shyly asked whilst looking down "of course you can, we'll have so much fun! " Daydream cheered ,with a smile on his face

"I'll go with Nightmare I guess" Lucid offered

"okay, now that that's settled ,we'll get ready, lets meet by the docks in 2 hours ,okay? " Tommy looked around the room for any signs of confusion ,but everybody nodded

~~~~~~~~~~2 Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~

Everybody was at the docks that Phil and Techno had built in the Tundra.

"OKAY! EVERYBODY READY!?" Tommy loudly asked "yeah yeah, you do know you don't have to shout right Toms" Tubbo whined
"Oh. Heh sorry 'bout that " he rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous manner
" it's fine, happened before so don't worry, just don't explode my eardrums again please" Tubbo replied ,to which some others chuckled at.

"Well me George and Puffy were already packed since the second we came here we saw Daydream so ,yeah ,we're ready" Sapnap added

"Me Nightmare and Lucid don't really have much to pack so we're ready" Daydream explained
"Same here " Ghostbur added to Daydream's previous claims

"Okay then be off pests" Technopig flatly said his own way of saying goodbye
"Be safe, and don't forget to be back by the end of the month ,oh and if you're gonna stay longer then send me a letter by crow ,and-" Phil was cut off from saying his goodbyes as Techno interrupted him by picking him up and heading over to their cabin (NOT A SHIP ,eeww)

"Bye Phil! Bye Techno!" Tommy exclaimed Techno only waved back ,and Phil said Goodbye

Then they all got into the boat and of course there was some bickering between Tubbo and Tommy ,Nightmare and Lucid were quiet for the most part Lucid only speaking with his brothers and Nightmare butted in conversations between the others every now and then

So it was rather peaceful.







"Vanilla cake is THE BEST and I refuse to believe otherwise " Tommy let out a huff of disagreement at Tubbo's favorite choice of cake

"Dream, settle this for us please" Tubbo asked
"Sure ,what is it? " Dream questioned
'Well do you prefer Vanilla cake or Chocolate cake " Tubbo asked, though it sounded like more of a statement

"Chocolate is the best " Dream replied ,and received a few nods of agreement in return
Whilst Tommy groaned in annoyance

"Chocolate Then"

( 1112 words

Did ya like it, it took me a month to write this since I lost all motivation, anyways here's the    pic/meme of the day ,cya  )

Did ya like it, it took me a month to write this since I lost all motivation, anyways here's the    pic/meme of the day ,cya  )

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