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In Tae's and Jm's university.

Jimin was sitting in their uni garden when tae came and asked him.

Tae: Chim give me party. You didn't tell me that your bofie got selected in Jinhit entertainment.

Jm:(shocked as hell) What?! When?! Where?! How?! He didn't tell me anything.

Tae: I think hyung wants to give you surprise don't freak out.

Jm: I also think so otherwise he would have told me. Tae then yoongi hyung will get busy and Jinhit entertainment don't allow idols to date till they debut. 

Tae: Chim relax soon Jin hyung will become the CEO of it so he will help you.

Jm: tae I don't want to be a hurdle in hyung's career(on the verge of crying) I love him so much and his dream is my dream. I will break up with him. That will be better for him.

(Yoongi was behind a tree where tae & Jm was talking. He heard everything. Tears rolled down from his eyes. Next day it was weekend Yoonmin decided to spend time with eachother. Jimin still hasn't  told anything. First they went to amusement park later decided to have movie night in Jimin's apartment. Yoonmin were cuddling in the living room couch, Jimin looked at yoongi. He gave a soft smile to him while Jimin looked at him with smile and pain was visible in his eyes. He moved closer to yoongi and attached his lips with his. Their kiss at first was soft and smooth but later they were kissing like no tomorrow. Tears rolled down from Jimin's eyes. Yoongi broke the kiss and looked at him with concern.)

Yoongi: Love what happened? Why are you crying? 

Jm:(Hugged him and started crying) If I ask anything from will you give it to me?

Yoongi: I will bring the entire world under your feet but please stop crying love. I can't see you like this. Nothing hurts me more than tears in your beautiful eyes.

Jm: (still in yoongi's arms asked him more like a whisper) LET'S BREAK UP HYUNG.

(This broke yoongi's heart in million pieces. He knew this was going to happen but listening this from Jimin's mouth would hurt him this much he never thought)

Yoongi:( Whispering) Is it because of my selection?

Jm:(he immediately pulled out from the hug)N---no! I a--am t--ti--red o--of t--th--is r--relationship(he barely forming words)

Yoongi: Even if your pretty mouth is lying but eyes is saying something else Love. I know baby you don't want to be a hurdle in my career. I heard everything you and tae were talking But Love I want you by my side. 

Jm: I am always by your side hyung. But let's break up for now. Remember I am always there for you. I am waiting for you.

(Yoongi once kissed Jimin. He was a crying mess by now. He broke the kiss and left from there without saying a word. That night both cried there heart out)



Yoongi: I am going to get married. I am here to invite you both.

Both tae and jimin was in total shock. Jimin ran to yoongi and holde his collar tightly. He was fuming in anger, he was looking like he can kill anyone at that moment.)

Jm: You Cheater! Liar! Grandpa! How dare you to marry someone else when I am still alive?!!! I will kill you and your bitch Fiance' Min Yoongi!!!!! 

(Yoongi burst out in laughter. Jimin left his collar and asked in utter confusion)

Yoongi:  You still look cute when you are angry love. I was just joking. I am not going marry if that person is not you. 

(Jimin hugged yoongi and started crying)

Jm: I thought I lost you(hiccups) I thought you forgot me.

Yoongi: (Broke the hug and cupped jimin's face) I still love you and always will. I missed you so much baby. Now I will never let you go like I did. I love you.

Jm: I love you too. 

(Yoongi attached his lips with jimin's. They missed eachother so much. Now they feel like they are at home)

Tae: (done face) Guys am I a joke to you? I am still here.

(Yoongi broke the kiss)

Yoongi: Then fuck off from here.

Tae:(sulking) But this is my office. Go get a room for yourself. Don't do anything unholy in holy office.

(Yoongi glared at Tae)


Y/n: Dad I am not going to marry him. You Know I still love Hoesoek. I have always listened to you since childhood. Please don't do this with me. I am your own daughter why are doing this with me.

Mr. Jeon: You have to marry him!! Your both marriage will benefit our company.

y/n: All you cared about is your fucking company!! Have you ever thought about my and kookie's happiness!!! You and mom never even thought that how much me and kookie crave for your love, care and attention.

Mrs Jeon: Don't take that piece of shit name infront of us. He have already wasted so much of my time. 

Mr. Jeon: Y/n you have to marry Kim Taehyung!!! And that's my final decision. If you want to see your beloved brother safe.

(Y/n was crying by now she was literally begging on her knees.) 

Y/n: Dad please don't do this. I am begging you. 

(Jungkook was not at home that time. Y/n knew that her parents can do anything. When Jungkook was in Mrs. Jeon womb she even took pills to abort him but it didn't work. When Jungkook was born Mr. Jeon didn't even came to see him. Since the day Jk was born his parents has always been ignorant to him)


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