Grey Chapter Nine

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The car was silent. The silence was so deafening, it felt like nothing was said or done for 3 years-

I stared at my parents as they stared straight on. Having nothing said besides a 'Let's Go' when we emerged from the principles office. I couldn't tell what they were thinking, but by their faces?

Anger, disappointed, and if anything from what I've learned from their hidden expressions to one another; just a hint of uncertainty.

"The boy started-"

"I don't matter what was started, you broke a boy's nose! Daniel, you cannot step foot into that school for two weeks! Do you have any idea how terrible this all is!" My mother quickly snapped.

"And what I was supposed to just let him beat the shit out of my friend!?" I barked

"That boy Phil? Ever since you met him he been nothing but causing you trouble. You're better than this" My dad muttered, shaking his head.

I felt my face get hot, clenching my jaw to stop the screams I wanted to so badly wanted to say.
Phil isn't bad, I am.

I'm not good, not for him. Which is why I didn't want to stop hitting that punk ass-

Blowing air, I pulled at my hair.

This is why I smoke-

"No phone, no laptop, no leaving the house unless you are to come some place with us. No Phil, no one. I'll be picking your homework up from school daily and I expect them done by the next set of work. Am I clear with these instructions?"

I stared at my mom and shrugged my shoulders. She herself blew air out before slamming my door shut.

And... Cue their argument!

Like an out of tune piano, they started to fight about my predicament. Speaking of.. I look around the room to try and figure something out.

Seeing as I'll be stuck here for the next two weeks...

I opened the junk drawer of possible treasures and trash in hopes to find SOMETHING. Mostly actual trash, but I did find an old notebook.

Memory lane it is, I flipped to a random page and found scribbled doodles of what I assumed was two monsters? Written in messy writing was

"Momme and Dadde wont stop fithing. I wish they will make up. I hate seeing them fite"

Ah... An old diary..

"I woner if momme and dadde are mad at me. I told momme that dadde had a friend over. And momme waz mad that dadde friend waz a girl"

Thinking back, I couldn't recall if my dad has ever cheated. He spends nearly all his time at work, albeit paper work or on the streets.

Perhaps henever did, mom has always been one to jump to conclusions.

Turning the page I read on

"To day is a bad day :( momme wont wake up.
She had too mane drink. Now dadde is mad and wont come home. Momme said she will make me food.

But... That waz a long time ago
And I am hungee :("

Well fuck, I don't remember being this fucked as a child. How old even was I? A picture showed what I presume is my mom asleep on the couch with an angry dad and crying me next to her.

I didn't have that bad of a childhood.

I threw open another page randomly and read

"Today Daddy took me to the park! He said mommy wont be home for a few dayz witch makez me sad.

But I have daddy! And when itz one itz fun! :)"

Not traumatic, I can't recall any of this surprisingly. I did notice my spelling has gotten slightly better, good on you younger Dan.

A knock at the door made me jump out my skin.

"Dan, I'm making dinner.. Is meatloaf fine?" My mom waiting a beat for an answer.

"Yeah, perfect" Her footsteps walked off as she got my answer.

Looking back at the book, I flipped the page.

A picture of a classroom and a kid who stood up front was on this page.

"A new kid came to school! His name is Joe and he likes animals. I want to be his friend.

Maybe he can help me with school. He looks smart. The teacher says I'm bad at spelling and I should get my parents to help me practice.

But Daddy is always working and Mommy is always sad. They dont want to help

Maybe Joe will!"

This was 1st grade here, I remember this day. Joe had just moved to our school and I became his friend under the condition that he helped me with the work. I laughed fondly at the memory.

Sitting at the playground as we set up an agreement like we were gonna build a business. Underneath the slide, away from everything that I didn't like. I remember the noises being too much. The way kids colorful shirts blurred by, the screeching of their screams. I hated it as a kid.

But Joe showed up and he was a decent distraction, not for it all but enough to make it home without feeling like an absolute train wreck.

I closed the book, not wanting to finish it before the two weeks were up.

... Dammit, I'm bored now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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