Blue Chapter Three

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I had opened the stall fully when I heard Dan fall to the floor. I looked at him as he layed there.....awake. "Dan....Dan" I said.


At Home

I slowly and quietly closed the door so my father wouldn't wake up. He was alseep on the couch. I tipped toed up stairs to my room.


The sound of a beer bottle hitting the wall right near me filled my ears as I was terrified to even look or look at who it was. "What the freak here?" He slurred. He was swaying back and forth on the couch loonging ready to pounce.

"...Going to my room...." I said. I was terrified still to look. I had stood my ground on the third step on the stairs. "To do what?" He asked rudely. "....Homework" I said. I shouldn't have paused. I knew better than to pause when he is drunk.

"Don't lie to me...what are you going to do?" He said. I could here him stqnd and walk towards me. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to look. "Turn around" I muttered as he stood behind me.

I slowly turned around as I hanged my head. "Look at me" He said lifting his finger up to raise my chin. Tears were at the brim of my eyes. I was scared of what he would do.


Dead Silence.

There was no sound thru out the house. I stared at him scared of what he will do next.


"Just...Go to your room" He said pushing me away. I nodded and ran upstairs to my room where I soon closed the door shut, locked it, and cried the rest of the night.

My blue tears fell on my jeans...My blue jeans. I used my hand to wipe it away only for it to be there too.

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