Grey Chapter Three

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After my excitecal crisis (thats what its called. Looked it up) and Phil staying by my side until it was over. We headed our separate ways in life.

When I got home my mom had her arms crossed and looked displeased. As if I had ever pleased her though. "Where were you?" She asked (or demanded) "School...I had a problem and a....friend? Helped out" I said walking to my room. She stood stunned for a moment before following me. "Who is this friend?" She asked interested.

"A boy named Phil" I said. I'm the worst at being social and talkitive, I usually don't have much conversations. "May you describe Phil?" She asked politely which made me feel bad for wanting to ignoring her.

"Phil is in my grade, He was getting bullied and I saved him, we went to the office together, I tried to help him be happy, he helped me with my crisis, contimued school, had lunch together, then went to our separate homes" I said.

"Maybe.....He could come over some day?" She questioned looking at me. "...I'm not even sure yet" I said before going to my room. Yes, I do love Phil but as a friend honestly. I jumped in my bed looking at the cieling. What exactly am I going to do?

Im not sure if I want to be around Phil. I got up and walked to my window. I opened it and crawled out and onto the roof. I stared off out into the nieghborhood. "What do I want?" I said looking up.

I digged into my jacket pocket for my cigarettes and lighter. "Lets hope Phil doesn't want to be around me...cause then I just might...." I stopped mid sentence and smiled at my words and what I was wanting to say.

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