Part 1

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I follow hastily on the heels of Bjorn, struggling to keep up with his long strides, having to jog every few paces. As he walks he talks, instructing me on every chore I need to do today.

"Polish my armour. Clean my corders. Fold and put away my laundry- do not do it as you did last time." He looks back at me, casting a cold glare.

"Yes, your exelency." I bubble out. It comes out small and airy.

Last time I folded his laundry by color. He never instructed me to do any differently, and that's what I had been doing for the past 4 months.

When he is done listing my chores, he dismisses me to go and do them. I hadn't a chance to grab breakfast yet, as I've been up since dawn, sweeping and mopping the maids kitchen as well as the hall leading to Bjorn's corders.

I walk quickly to Bjorn's chambers, passing other working maids and servants at work. It's barely 7am, and most are up and about working tirelessly.

I slide open Bjorn's door, immidetly starting my tasks, hoping to be finished to catch lunch.

I was not finished in time to catch lunch.

By the time every chore he has told me to do is done, it is 1230, and 45 minutes past the final lunch call for maids. I sigh, grabbing the waste bag I had filled, and closing his last dresser drawer. This time I had organized his clothes by weather, sweaters to one drawer, short-sleeved to another. Hopefully it's acceptable.

I trudge to the waste-chute, struggling to put the bag in, and then walk towards where I know Bjorn may be. He's only ever one of two places.

I walk into the main hall, finding him on gaurd as King Odin sits upon his throne, discussing something with his wife, Frigga.

I curtsy as I enter, not being noticed by the king nor by the queen. Bjorn, however, notices me, and shoots me another glare.

"Maid (l/n) why are you here?" He barks.

"I've finished my chores, your exelency." I say.

He hums, squinting his eyes at me.

"Find the head maid, she will give you more tasks. Idle hands don't get fed, you know. Nor paid." He smirks.

"Of course, your exelency." I respond, and he waves his hand for me to leave. I do so with a cursty, quickly leaving the room.

I mutter to myself as I'm out of earshot.

"Idle hands don't get fed." I mock, glaring daggers at the floor. "I don't get fed while I'm working anyways! Nor do I get paid a living wage!" I scoff, turning my head to the side, not hearing the light approaching footsteps ahead of me.

I collide with someone, and I tumble, but a hand grabbing my arm stops me from falling. I hear a "thud" as the hand grabs me, having dropped whatever was in their hands to do so.

I regain my balance quickly and look up, being met with the mysterious brooding Prince of Asgard, Loki Odinson himself, on the way to the main hall for some reason or another.

"Your majesty!" I squeak, immidetly curtsying. "My deepest apologies, I should have been watching where I was going." I say.

"It's perfectly fine, maid. I wasn't watching where I was going either. But you should keep your eyes forward, in a busy castle such as this." He speaks. There is no maliace in his voice, as there would have been with Bjorn, so I look up at him, following his black shoes to his pants, then his green shirt, a combination of black and gold strewn into the leather, with a deep v showing his collarbone. I follow his collarbone to his jaw. His strong jaw matched with his pale skin makes him look as though he was sculpted of marble by the most talented of hands. I follow up to his lips, two lines of soft pink, and a thin nose. I meet his eyes, a wondrous swirl of greens, reflecting the light gleaming through the opened windows.

"Of course. My apologies, again."  Again, my apologies. I correct.

"Continue to your work, maid." He says, reaching and grabbing his book, then walking away.

I curse at myself as I quickly walk away, a heat coming to my face and ears.

I find the head maid, Asher, and she is sitting behind a stack of papers. I knock lightly on the door, which she leaves opened.

"Come in." She says, not looking up from her paper.

"Good afternoon, ma'am." I greet, curtseying.

"Oh, hello (y/n). What brings you here?" She asks, looking up at me through her glasses, which rest on the edge in her nose.

"Bjorn told me to ask for more work?" I say, trying to hide the exhaustion in my voice.

She stops writing on her paper, and fully looks at me, taking in my full appearance.

"My dear, when did you wake today?" She asks.

"Before the sun." I say, intertwining my fingers.

"When did you sleep?"

"Late. Very late." I say.

"Why don't you tend to the gardens?" She gives me a soft smile. "Loki's garden specifically, it should be vacant, not many go there. Bring a book."

"Thank you, ma'am." I breathe out, the anxiety of having to work anymore today leaving my body.

She just nods and goes back to her paper, so I leave, going to the grand library to find a book.

It's very rare I get a break. Very, very rare. In fact, this is my first break in months.

The walk to the library is long, and I find myself getting lost in the inteicuit designs of the window pillars, as well as the windows themselves. Each pillar is carved with swirls and designs, with gold edges along the carvings. The windows often have pictures hidden in them, and I can't help but to try to find each and every picture. Most are of the Valkyries, a strong army of women warriors. How I long to be as important as a Valkyrie.

Reaching the library takes a long time, probably around 20 minutes, but the library is absolutely beautiful, making the walk worth it.

Pushing the door open with my shoulder, I breathe in the fresh air, incense, and smell of old books. It's a wonderful smell.

The library is large and open, with stacks and stacks of books lined against the wall all the way to the ceiling. Asgard has one of the most profound libraries in all the 9 realms. Every book is in pristine condition, alphabetized and categorized by genre. The library is completely vacant of people, so I decide to settle in for a bit. An hour couldn't hurt.

I find a book titled "Ways of Water: Earths Most Mysterious Habitat" which is a book dedicated to Midgardians most unique sea creatures, such as the angler fish, sea sponges, jellyfish, and other sorts. I find a comfortable couch in a secluded corner, and I get comfortable, opening the book and allowing my mind to be consumed by the words on the page.

Thanks for reading! Chapter 1 I hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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