Part 2

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"aren't you supposed to be working?" A deep and smooth voice sounds, breaking me from my trance.

I look up, and Prince Loki stands over me, a smile on his face, with a quirked eyebrow.

"Oh!" I stand, curtseying, "I was given some time off, your highness."

He clicks his tongue, his smirk growing.

"Well, don't let me interrupt you, dearest maid." He says, taking a seat on the other side of the couch.

"Would you like me to find somewhere else to sit?" I ask, feeling small in his presence. Maids aren't supposed to simply relax in the company of a god.

"No, why would you move? Am I disturbing you?" He asks, frowning.

"No! If course not! I just thought, because you're a prince and I'm a maid that you wouldn't.." my voice trails off, becoming small, and I can feel myself trying to make myself less noticeable, drawing my arms closer to my body.

Lokis pov

Usually I don't get involved with any maids or servants in the castle, however, this particular maid has caught my interest.

Her hair is pulled into a bun, which I assume was neat when she started working, but now locks of her (h/c) hair fall out of place, framing her face, making her beauty unmistakable. She wears a standard dress, with tatters and stains, and it's baggy on her as well, hiding her natural figure. A hand-me-down I presume.

"Just because you're a maid and I'm a prince gives no reason for you to not stay in your spot. If I make you uncomfortable, I can find somewhere else." I state. Although I mean it genuinely, I know she won't ask me to move.

"No, no, that's okay." She says, taking a seat.

She sits as far from me as she can, trying to take up as little space as possible.

"What's your name?" I ask. I had bumped into the poor thing earlier, when she was muttering to herself about Bjorn. Bjorn never gives her a break. I've seen her talk to him only a few times, but from the way he looks down on her- literally and figuratively- I know he enjoys scaring her and treating her as lesser than him.

"(L/n). (Y/n) (l/n), your highness." She says.

"(Y/n)." I repeat to myself. The name suits her perfectly.

She nods.

"Might I ask what you're reading?"

"A book on the Midgardian ocean." She says, looking down as though she's ashamed.

"A good choice." I give her a light smile, which seems to make her relax just a bit.

I feel bad for making her feel uncomfortable, so I decide to allow a comfortable silence to overtake us instead of conversation, and after a little I see her begin to relax.

(Y/n) pov

I try to focus on my book, but with Prince Loki being so close, it's near impossible. I can't just dismiss myself, but I don't want to be here, either. It's not that he makes me uncomfortable, I just don't know how to act. He's being so informal with me it catches me off guard, and I don't understand his motives.

After a few silent minutes of him reading, I find myself drifting back into my book, as well as my eyes beginning to feel dry, and my eyelids heavy. I wish I could lay down and sleep right here and now.

A yawn escapes, and then another soon after. I look out the window to see what time it is, and find that it's nearly 4. I curse and stand, completely forgetting the prince.

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