Chapter 3

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Rin's POV (A/N Ha Ha bet you weren't expecting that)

Len went into the programming room seven hours ago because of a glitch in his program. All I heard is that he shorted-out , completely flipped, and ran away. They still haven't found him. Sure, that wouldn't be bad at all, but if his program isn't fixed within four months there will be no such thing as Len Kagamine, Vocaloid 02.

(Y/N)'s POV
You were shocked at Len's sudden out burst because everyone knows as the adorable, amazing, talented, shy little shot a boy. But you didn't know why they called him little, he was taller than you! But that wasn't saying much. "So can you tell me who was trying to hurt you?", you questioned while taking a sip from your mug of hot chocolate (remember you made some before you guys started talking). "I-I really don't remember, but they laughing. A-and I also saw Rin looking through the only window in the room, and she d-didn't help me at all", he said stuttering. Then you noticed that he was on the verge of tears.

Len's POV
I am not going to cry in front of (Y/N), I am not going to cry in front of (Y/N), I am no- crap, I'm crying.

(Y/N)'s POV
He was crying like a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend because she caught him cheating. You didn't know how to really comfort him, so you did what you thought was best. You hugged him, because hugging helps. Once you embraced the bawling boy, he just hugged you tighter. When you realized how close you two were you started blushing like mad, but then you realized that this reminded you of something.
"Hey Mom"
"Hello (Y/N)"
"What's up"
"Well, dear remember when Ellie auditioned for that big movie Remembered?"
"Um,yes, what about it?"
"She got the lead part, (Y/N)!"
"That's amazi-"
"I know, one of my daughters in the spotlight, bringing honor to our family, becoming every little girls role model, actually doing something which her life. You could learn a lot from her (Y/N)"
"Um I-"
"Personally I think she got the part because of her looks, I always knew she was the prettier one!"
Ouch, that hurt considering we were identical twins. Before you knew it you hung up on your mother ranting about how special your sister was, and called the only people who could make you feel better, Ashley, and (B/N).
Ashley brought six tubs of your favorite flavor of ice cream and some of her famous triple chocolate fudge cookies, while (B/N) brought the complete set of Harry Potter movies, and you lazed around eating, or crying and hugging the closest friend to you because your real family thought you were worthless.
*end of flashback*
You soon realized that you were crying too, not because of your crappy past, but because of your knowledge of Len's feelings. He's feeling that same sense of betrayal and loneliness that you felt, and you could never wish that kind of pain on anyone, not even your mom and dad or Elleriyah.

Len's POV
When (Y/N) hugged me I felt a little bit better, but then Rin's face flashed through my mind and I heard the echo of their torturous laughter. I couldn't help but to start crying harder. I soon noticed that (Y/N) was crying softly. For some reason it hurt me to see her like that, so I gently grabbed her chin and softly turned her face to mine, wiping away her silent tears with my thumb. "(Y/N), why are you crying, there is no reason for you to be sad. What I have gone through should not effect your emotions." I said looking deep into her gorgeous (e/c) eyes. "But, there is always a reason to be sad in a cruel, beautiful world like this", she calmly replied tears started down her face once again.i saw the pain in her eyes and felt it in her tone, and never have i ever wanted to hold anyone so closely just so I can see the pain, hurt, and loss leave their eyes as happiness slowly replaces it.

Hey guys what's up I can't stop updating this story I'm just having so much fun with it
Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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