Chapter 10

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(y/N)'s POV

I screamed into my pillow. There was no changing the fact that Elleriyah was staying at my house, she was stubborn and would make a big deal about it.

Normally I wouldn't mind as much if she came in for a surprise visit, sure I would still want to murder her a thousand times over, but that's way besides the point. If Elleriyah ever found out that I had a small crush on Len, she would try and take him from me. It's just the way it's always been. I had something she wanted and she would do anything in her power to take it from me, and usually she got it.

I did this weird sort of walk across the hall and into the bathroom. I normally don't just pointlessly walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror but that's what I found myself doing. First I studied my (h/l) ,(h/c) hair, and then I looked at my (e/c) eyes, and after I looked at every part and feature of my face I realized that there was nothing special about me, I was just plain old (Y/N). I guess I was beautiful in some ways, but otherwise I was normal.

After I thought about it for a little longer I quietly walked down the hall and into the living room to check on Len. He was asleep on the couch, the tv was still on, he was watching (your favorite show). You found yourself looking at Len, he looked so cute when he was asleep, to bad you would have to wake him up. I couldn't let him sleep on the couch for like the third night in a row. I walked over and lightly shook him almost whispering his name as if trying not to wake up the invisible person next to him.

"(Y-y/n)", he said a little groggily. "Yes, Len", you answered
"Why did you wake me up", he questioned sounding like a whiny toddler. "Because I don't want you to sleep on the couch again, and I'm sure (b/n) won't mind if you stay in her/his room", you said and then started to walk off.

"(Y-y-y/n)", Len stuttered. You turned around to face him. His face looked redder than a tomato. "U-um, would it be okay if I slept with you tonight", he said quite fast and then looked down trying to hide the ever growing blush on his face. You thought for a moment a bit flustered yourself. "Yes, I think that would be fine", you said quite embarrassed yourself. He looked up at you and smiled. He stood up, walked to you and put his arm around your waist. You walked down the hall to your room in silence.

After a few minutes of just lying in bed trying to go to sleep, I felt something warm snake around my waist, scotching me closer to an even bigger heat source. Then I heard something, it was someone humming. The song was beautiful and slowly I felt myself being pulled into the land of dreams.

Len's POV

Once she was close to me I could tell she was still up. whenever I couldn't sleep I would have Rin sing to me. I started humming a simple song, and soon I felt her breaths become more even. she was asleep and soon enough I was as well.


Yay! I finally updated. I was just visiting family for the week and I didn't get Internet till like the third day, and I was writing this chapter during a big storm and right as I was about to press publish the power went out and after the power came back on it didn't save so I had to start all over again. hope you enjoyed this chapter
If you have any suggestions for the story please feel free to tell me
Until next time


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