Chapter 11

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(Y/N)'s POV

I have finally woken up and I am a blushing mess. Why you ask? well maybe the fact that I'm waking up to find out I'm snuggling with my crush. Let's just say it took me a second to realize I allowed him to sleep with me. Normally this is the point where I would freak out, but Len looked so precious sleeping with his arms around me. So I decided to wake him up slowly.

"Leeeeennnn, Lenny, it's time to wake uuuppp", you said in a softish sing-song voice. "Buuuttttt I don't want to wake up", you heard him mumble as he pulled you closer to him. "But I want you to get up", you responded. He was pretending to be asleep, it was to easy to tell. So you decided to get up all by yourself and make breakfast, again, but this time just for yourself.
Take that you little shota boy! that'll teach you to wake up when I ask you to.

*tiny time skip brought to you by BACON*

I was almost done making my omelet when I felt someone's arms snake around my waist, and rest their head on my shoulder. "Morning sleeping beauty, glad you finally decided to join us 100 years later", told him not taking my eyes off the omelet. "Morning (Y/N), watcha making for us", he questioned. "I'm making omelets for myself, what are you having", I told him. "What your not making any for me", he said with a fake pout. "Well in my family if you wake up after breakfast is served you get to eat what's leftover (a/n XD my family actually does this)", I told him while I walked out his grip to get a plate to put the omelet on. Len and I both sat down at the table, I ate really fast and he watched with amazement. When I finished the omelet I wiped my mouth and then told him, "Oh, and   Another thing about my family, you have to eat fast, because if anyone's done before you anything lest on your plate if fair game to anyone", you told him. "What kind of family did you come from", he said a little shocked.
"A very big one (if you don't have a big family let's pretend)", you told him.
You told him about some of your weirdest memories with your family, like the time you couldn't get you cousin up so your aunt dumped cold water on her, or that time when your family made that homemade slip-n-slide, or when you played ball with your aunts dogs in the middle of a department store. The list went on and on.

Rin's POV

It's been almost a week now and the still haven't found Len. I am legit freaking out right now, Miku is always hugging me telling me they'll find him soon, and Kaito has been offering me some of his ice cream. But I'm really scared what if they never find Len?

Yay! I updated. Every once in a while i'll sneak in Rin's POV, but it will mainly be reader-chan's POV.
I hope your enjoying the story, and please feel free to comment, I love reading about what you have to say about my story, good or bad.
Until the next update


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