Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

(Y/N)' POV

I was still blushing. He's really nice and sweet, but I just met him is it really possible for me to have a crush on him already? "(Y/N)! Hey (Y/N), are you okay?", Len said shaking me fear and concern evident within his voice. "Um, yeah, I'm perfectly fine why do you ask?", I said hoping it would calm him down. "Okay, that's good. You scared me for a second, I tried to get your attention but, you weren't responding". Neither of said anything, it got pretty awkward. well if I'm gonna have a crush on him I might as well get to know him a bit better.

"So, Len what do you like to do for fun", I asked curious about what vocaloids did for fun. "Well I love to sing (well no duh), dance (again no surprise), and, and, well that's really it", "What, that's all you like to do", "Yeah I guess", he said. "What about you", he said changing the topic. "Oh, um, I really like reading, drawing, going on the Internet, and singing", wait did I really just admit I like singing.

*magical flashback of magic*

I was seven and I was in my schools talent show. It was my turn to preform I was singing the song Mad World by Gary Jules. I would of done perfect if it weren't for Elleriyah. Singing is one of the only things that I was better at, and she would ruin any chance I had at preforming. This time while I was in the middle of the song she dumped paint on me. I don't know how she pulled it off, but she did and I haven't sang a note since. I was completely humiliated and I didn't want to risk that again.

*end of flashback*

"(Y/N), you like to sing", Len said. "!um, yeah I guess", I replied sheepishly. "Can I hear you, please", he asked, no begged. "Sure", no no no what am I saying its like my mouth has a mind of its own. (Play song up top right about now).

Len's POV

"There's a dream my heart just can't seem to leave behind", (y/n) started. her voice is amazing, she's just as good as most Vocaloids. Once she finished the song, I stood up and clapped, she started to blush. "(Y/N), what's the name of that song?", I asked. Still blushing she replied, "Beautiful Cruel World". We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. I strived to make her laugh because she looked so beautiful when her eyes light up with happiness. I really do think I might be falling for her.


Heeeeyyy, what's up. after hours upon hours of procrastination (because I put the pro in procrastination) I finally  got myself to update. I feel so proud of myself. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.

Random Question: what's your favorite thing to do (go on the Internet, play soccer, go outside, swim, etc.)



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