Chapter 15

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Elleriyah's POV

So recap of my morning
🌑 Was bored to death for two hours
🌑 I'm starving and I haven't had my coffee yet
🌑 Walked into my little sister and her "boyfriend" cuddling

So in other words WORST MORNING EVER!
For some reason I feel like I've seen Len's face before, but where

Your POV

You woke up to the sound of a door slamming. Not the best alarm clock in your opinion, but the sound is way dang-darn-diddly better than that annoying BEEP-BEEP-BEEP sound. Once you were up enough to comprehend your surroundings, you realized you were wrapped up in someone's arms. Len's to be exact. It felt awkward, yet amazing.

You weren't very experienced with this whole "boyfriend", "girlfriend" thingy. Even if it was fake ( A/N but we all know that you don't want it to be). All of your previous boyfriends (if you could call them that) were anime characters. (B/N) would always be telling you how pretty you were, and how surprised she was that you still didn't have a boyfriend. And then we would fight about who was the prettier friend. I would say her, and she would say me. I really wish she didn't have to go to France, but I feel like if she didn't I would have never met Len.

I felt him finally start to stir. "Good Morning", I said

"It is now that I've seen you", he said with a small smirk playing his features. Dang that boy knew how to make your heart melt. Even if you guys weren't really dating, he made you feel like you two were. And after that comment you felt your face heat up to the colour of a tomato. Your grumbling stomach inspired your next question.

"You hungry, Len", you don't even know why you asked that question you were going to make breakfast no matter what he ended up saying.

"Practically starved, it's like you don't even feed me anymore", he said with a small laugh from both of you.

You were about to get out of bed but his grip tightened on you, pulling you closer to him, "don't go, not yet", he whispered. You agreed by wrapping your arms around him. For a moment you felt genuinely happy. You two laid together in silent bliss. As hungry as you were, food could wait. Wow, you never really thought you would hear yourself say those words. OVER A BOY.

You both finally got up and you went to go make breakfast fast for three instead of two. Len hung out in the kitchen with you, helping you cook and making you laugh. Elleriyah was in the living room on her phone (woah, worlds biggest plot twist *insert sarcasm here*) doing what you have no clue, but at one point she let out a small gasp that slightly scared you, but only slightly. So you didn't let it bother you, but you couldn't help but feel like it meant something more, something that would be bad for yourself.

〰Large timeskip of magicalness〰

Elleriyah's POV

I found out a bit of information that would help me with my life goal, to ruin (Y/N)'s life.
And this was going to help me, majorly.

I was waiting for my "friend" to pick up the phone
"Hi, is this Kagamine Rin"
"This is she"
"Well, I have some news for you"

Rin's POV

They found him

Heeeeyyy long time no update. I'm sorry if you feel the chapters short but I've just been having a small case of writers block. Hope you enjoyed the chapter


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