Chapter 16

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A/N Hey ya'll Ash here with chapter 16 and here you go.....
My (author-chan's) POV

Ah, (Y/N). How are you doing. You look confused,ooooohhhhh you're wondering why you're here, well my child welcome to the land of the fourth wall. Oh, you've heard of this place, let me guess the old lady selling watermelon at the farmer market told you- no? You've heard about by reading fan fiction, go figure. Well back to the point. Something is about to happen, something you will not like. Your younger sibling is the cause of this misfortune. So before anything else happens I would like for you to see her side of the story. Sadly what happens can not be stopped but I can tell you what happens so you can say goodbye to each other........... You both die. Len dies from cancer and then you hang yourself after months of depression since he died...

The End
A/N So this is the end tell me what you think in the comments below. The ending was kind of sad but I think it suited the story... Didn't it? The Sequel will be about how your sister feels about your death. Was she jealous of you or is there some secret backround as to why she was mean. Bye se you in the sequel.

Ha JK!!!
This was Ash's friend..... Muahahahahahaha I'm evil and I decided to mess with y'all. I want to see your reactions. THIS IS NOT THE END! I REPEAT THIS IS NOT THE END!
Ash will be posting two more chapters this week. So look out for more chapters. PLEASE DONT KILL ME! *hides behind Ash*. BYE!

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