So.. its done

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The book is completed!! I have bonus chapters written.. unsure if I want to publish them.

To clear up something

The cat in the VERY beginning of the book wasn't Vince's! It was Daniel's! So no cat was neglected, as Daniel picked him up later

Uhm.. dunno how I feel about this long ass project being completed. Feels like just yesterday I was writing the first copy.

Fun facts:
Vince used to never exist. It originally was going to be just Ray, Levi, and Charlotte. However Vince came when I wrote the 2nd copy and he originally was going to be Charlotte's boyfriend whom she lost feelings for after meeting the two.

In the original copy the devil was Ray's ex and was the villain including Charlotte's mother.

Also in the original, Ray and Charlotte were childhood friends/lovers. They got separated before they could become a couple. Levi was too shy to ever speak to them.. so he'd watch them from afar. He was there to help Ray when Charlotte left.

Well that's all!

I feel I rushed the ending a bit.. mainly because how long the book is. But Ray and Levi got married and are still dating the two! They're one big happy family :)

My boys, their girl | BDSM, POLYAMORY |         |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now