Dare 2

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Me: Ratchet you got a dare

Ratchet: FRAG

Optimus: *covers bees audio receptors* language

Me: Anyways the dare is from

Ratchet: KIMY559

Me: Yep the dare is get Ratchet drunk

Wheeljack: Is that a good idea I've seen him drunk

Me: It'll be fine

Wheeljack: Ok

Me: *hands Ratchet 10 high grade energon cubes*

Ratchet: *Drinks 5 of them*

Me: This is going to be juicy

Knockout: *appears out of nowhere* That's my line

Me: Sorry Knockout but since your here we got a dare to make Ratchet drunk

Knockout: I got to see this

Drunk Ratchet: *clings to Wheeljack*

Wheeljack: This is why it's a bad idea he becomes so clingy to me

D Ratchet: Hey Jackie do you remember the first time we had interfa-

Wheeljack: *covers Ratchets intake(mouth) with servo* Another reason it's a bad idea he says inappropriate stuff *Takes servo off Ratchets intake*

D Ratchet: FRAG you Magnus

Wheeljack: That one is funny

UltraMagnus: Rude

Me: I'm gonna change him now *Changes Ratchet back to normal*

Ratchet:  *Let's go of Wheeljack* What happened.

Me: You got drunk

Ratchet: Oh ok

Wheeljack: You're never touching high grade again

Ratchet: Why

Wheeljack: Read the chapter when it comes out


Me: Ok everyone this is the end of this chapter remember to keep on asking and daring bye

Transformers Prime dares and asks (Request Temporarily Closed)Where stories live. Discover now