ask 28,29,30,31,32,33 and dare 36,37

89 2 9

38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47 (14 dares and 6 asks by Thatfandom666) part 3

Miko and Cody: *Walks back in chuckling*

Me: So I'm guessing you two woke up the sparklings?

Miko: Yep.

Cody: I never knew you guys could have children.

Blades: We never found it necessary to tell you.

Cody: Still how do you have them?

Me: Same as us humans.

Cody: ...

Me: Anyways next ask. Jack, Miko and Raf what do you think of Cody?

Jack: Nice Kid.

Miko: He's cool.

Raf: He seems nice.

Me: Okay, Cody what is your opinion of them?

Cody: Jack is nice. Miko is a bit of a troublemaker but also cool. Raf seems to be really smart he's been on his laptop since I've got here and he seems nice aswell.

Me: And on Optimus and Bee?

Cody: Optimus is cool, strong, powerful but also gives me dad vibes. And Bee he's awsome, super fast, strong and even though he can't speak it makes him even more cool.

Optimus: Thanks young one.

Bee: You're awsome too Cody.

Me: Sorry rescue bots you're no longer needed but I guess you can stay.

Heatwave: Nah we need to get back to protecting Griffinrock. So hope to see you guys again.

Chase: Bye everyone.

Blouder: See ya.

Blades: *Gives Bee a goodbye kiss* Bye.

Cody: Bye.

Me: *Opens a portal*

Rescue bots and Cody: *leave through the portal*

Me: So Ratchet.

Ratchet: Mh?

Me: You have to help the Kids with their science projects again.

The kids: NO!

Ratchet: Sure.

A few days later

Jack: I got a D+

Miko: I got an F

Raf: I somehow got an A+

Ratchet: Miko I find you annoying so I messed yours up. Jack I tried with yours since you help with stopping Miko to do stupid things. Raf you are the best human here help me with my work so I made sure yours was perfect.

Miko: Ouch.

Jack: Thanks I guess?

Raf: Thank you Ratchet you're the best.

Me: Wow he's the best human, lucky.

Also me: So Jack follow me.

Jack: Okay?

A few minutes later

Me: You have to say to Optimus "Dad what's for dinner?"

Jack: Frag.

In the main area

Jack: *taps Optimus's pede* Dad what's for dinner?

Everyone: *Conplete silence*

Me: You broke them.

Jack: I know.

Miko and Raf: *Walks in* Hey what happened to those guys?

Me: Jack had a dare to say to Optimus "Hey dad what's for dinner?"

Miko: *bursts out laughing*

Raf: *chuckles*

Me: Anyways you two have to call Jack big brother for the next few asks and dares.

Miko: Sure.

Raf: Okay I guess.

Jack: Omg no.

Me: *Laughs and leaves* So hey everyone sorry I haven't been posting I've been busy with school and stuff also I'm temporarily closing asks and dares since I have a lot to do thanks to a certain someone *coughs* Thatfandom666 *coughs* so yeah see ya.

Transformers Prime dares and asks (Request Temporarily Closed)Where stories live. Discover now