dare 8

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Me: Oh Megs is gonna hate this. *teleports to the Nemesis*

Soundwave: *uses Starscreams vocie* What are you doing here Hope?

Me: You got a dare.

Soundwave: *uses Starscreams vocie again* What is it?

Me: Nex_kunz dares Soundwave, best bot in the whole tfp show to be lovey-dovey with Shockwave infront of Megatron.

Soundwave: 😊😳

Shockwave: *blushes like crazy* Um

Me: Hello Shockwave. You must already know the dare then.

Shockwave: Yes.

Me: Great. Follow me.

SoundShock: *Follows me*

Me: *Types in code to the throne room and watches the door open*

Megastar: *On the throne making out*

Me: *Whispers* You two go to the commications room and start the dare when you get there.

SoundShock: *Nods and leaves*

Me: *coughs* Megatron

Megastar: *stops making out*

Megatron: Yes Hope.

Me: Megatron you need to come with me now.

Megatron: *Gets off the throne* Stay here my Star *Kisses Starscreams helm*

Starscream: Ok my Moon.

Me: Come on Megatron. *Runs to communications*

Megatron: *Runs after me*

Me and Megs: *enters communications*

Shockwave: *sitting at a desk reading a data pad*

Soundwave: *sitting on Shockwaves lap* ❤

Megs: W-what!

Soundwave: *cuddles up to Shockwaves neck cables*

Shockwave: *Wraps a servo around Soundwaves waist*

Soundwave: *Takes off his visor*

Me and Shockwave: *shocked*

Shockwave: 💭So cute💭

Soundwave: *kisses the side of Shockwaves optic*

Shockwave: *Takes off a secret mouth covering*

Me, Megs and Soundwave: *shocked*

Shockwave: *kisses Soundwave*

Soundwave: *Shocked, blushes and kisses back*

Megatron: *Overprotectived sire Megatron activated* Shockwave.

Shockwave: *Puts mouth covering back on* Yes Lord Megatron

Megatron: Are you ready to die.

Shockwave: It was a dare.

Megatron: Still are you ready to die.

Shockwave: No.

Megatron: Too bad

Soundwave: *Clings to Shockwave* Don't hurt him.

Megatron: *doesn't listen*


Shockwave: *runs*

Soundwave: *trying to stop Megatron*

Me: *Watching this entire thing* Well bye everyone and remember to keep asking and daring away.

Transformers Prime dares and asks (Request Temporarily Closed)Where stories live. Discover now