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Me: Finally done setting up.

Wheeljack: Yep it looks amazing.

Ratchet: Hope where's everyone?

Me: They should be here soon for the party.

Bulkhead: *Walks in* Hey guys.

Me: Bulk you made it.

Bulk: Of course I did I didn't want to miss finding out the gender

Me: Oh Bulk because your the first one here we'll tell you.

Bulk: Tell me what?

Me: That Ratchet and Wheeljack our having more than one sparkling.

Bulk: *Shocked* WHAT!?

Me: Want to know how many.

Bulk: Yes.

Me: 4

Bulk: *broken*

Wheeljack: Bulk buddy you alright?

Optimus: *Walks in* Hello Hope I'm here for the gender reveal party.

Me: Optimus welcome.

OP: What happened to Bulkhead?

Me: Oh you'll find out when we pop the balloons

OP: Why are we popping balloons.

Me: You don't know how gender reveal party's work do you?

OP: I have no idea

Me: *Sarcastically*Great.

2 hours later

Me: Finally everyone's here

Bee: Come on just tell us the gender already (I'm now using this font for when Bee is talking)

Wheeljack: I think you mean genders Bee.

Miko: Your having more than one.

Ratchet: Yes and end me.

Me: He's just in a mood.

Smokescreen: How many?

Wheeljack: We're having 4 sparklings.

Rest of Team Prime (expect bulkhead): *broken*

Me: *fixes them with magic*

Arcee: What are the genders?

Bee: Yeah just pop the balloons already.

Ratchet: *Pops 2 balloons and pink confetti comes out*

Wheeljack: *Pops the other balloons and blue confetti comes out*

Smokescreen: Two boys and two girls

Raf: Congrats guys

Jack: I have so many questions that I'm scared to ask.


Y/N: I'm happy for you two.

Me: Bye everyone hope you enjoyed this chapters and remember to keep asking and daring away.

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