ask 11 and 12

185 1 5

Me: I'm going to the Nemesis

Team Prime: *nods*

Me: *Teleports to the Nemesis* Knockout. Breakdown.

BD: Hey Hope.

KO: Just tell us the dare or ask already.

Me: Ok well you have 2 asks by Nex_kunz. Are you two planning on having a sparkling soon? 2nd ask is Can she be the favourite humanoid auntie?

KO: Well right now no we are not planning to have sparklings soon we're just trying to make up for lost time right now from the time when Breakdown was dead.

BD: And sorry but Hope is already the favourite humanoid auntie

Me: I'm not human I'm the god of the multiverse.

BD: Your main form is human it counts

Me: I can turn into a cybertronian if I wanted.

KO: Do it then

Me: Ok *turns into my cybertronian form*

Here's a picture

BD: You look so cool

KO: What can you turn into

Me: A nuke


Me: I know sick and I can control who gets hurt and what gets blown up

BD: That's useful

Me: Thank you Breakdown. See you next chapter and keep on asking and daring away anyways bye

Transformers Prime dares and asks (Request Temporarily Closed)Where stories live. Discover now