video reaction

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Me: *starts crying*

Op: Hope you okay?

Me: I just watch the most depressing thing ever.

Op: Would you like to show me.

Me: I have a better idea. *teleports everyone* you're gonna react to something and give your thoughts at the end no questions asked. *creeply* understand.

Everyone: *Nods*

Me: *Puts on video*

Me: So?

Everyone except BD: *To shocked to speak*

BD: Knockout you weren't really thinking of doing that were you?

KO: *mumbles* A little

BD: *hugs KO*

KO: *starts crying*

Me: This is my fault I'll pay for therapy.

BD: Okay but if you make Knockout cry again.

Me: You're gonna kill me.

BD: *nods*

Me: You're gonna kill an immortal being.

BD: I'll find a way.

Me: Bye everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter (you probably didn't) and remember to keep asking and daring away.

Transformers Prime dares and asks (Request Temporarily Closed)Where stories live. Discover now