Something stupid cause I'm bored

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Me: *Walking through the Nemesis and stops infront of the throne room*

Megatron: You're so beautiful my Shooting Star.

Starscream: You're so hot my Moonlight.

Me: *teleports Soundwave and whispers* You know what to do *points at Megatron and Screamer*

Soundwave: *nods*

Me: *Whispers* 3 2 1


Megastar: *Looks at us*

Me: *Laughing to death*

Soundwave: 🤣

Megatron: Hope leave now. And Soundwave you grounded.

Soundwave: ☹🥺😭

Megatron: Soundwave I'm sorry you not grounded

Soundwave: *hugs Megatron* Thanks sire.

SS: Did I hear that correctly?

Me: I'm wondering the same thing.

Megatron: Soundwave is my sparkling I have no idea who his real carrier is.

SS: Wait so am I basically his step-carrier?

Megatron: Yep

Me: Wait is no one gonna question that Soundwave just TALKED!

SS: We have heard his vocie before.

Megatron: I had to take care of him his whole online.

SS: And he congratulated me when I became Megatrons SIC.

Me: Oh ok. Well everyone I just made this chapter because I was bored so hope you injoyed and keep on asking and daring away anyways bye.

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