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suitors in the drawing room

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The drawing room in the esteemed Bridgerton house was filled to her brims with expensive bouquets of flowers and fresh flora. The scents ravished the home, though their beauty was not appreciated by all.

Eloise sulked on the couch throughout the entire day, eyeing the flowers, and the gentlemen who occupied the drawing room of current, distastefully. Her mother had already scowled her many times prior, and Ophelia couldn't help chuckle as she witnessed it once again. Eloise, reluctantly, moved off from her safe position on the lounge, to come and mingle with the eligible young gentlemen who had made such an effort for their attention.

"Our summer home is quite impressive," One gentleman, a man by the name of Sir James Cameron, was raving about, much to Daisy's disinterest. "The gardens are a rare sight when in full bloom".

"That sounds lovely! Might I ask, what is your opinion on dogs?" Daisy asked as a counter, watching the man closely as his face twisted in confusion of the question.

"As animals?"

"As pets," Daisy clarified. Incapable of being able to find an acceptable answer, Sir Cameron excused himself politely, but most definitely abruptly, and moved off into some corner of the drawing room.

Eloise caught Daisy's arm before some other man could grasp her attention. "This is literally my worst nightmare," The Bridgerton girl complained, "As in, nightmare scenario, life or death, this is it, it has been achieved",

"It is not so frightful, Ellie. Have you even tried having a conversation yet, or have you already decided every man in here is incapable of holding your attention for more than a second?"

"Have you found someone who actually interests you, Daisy?" Eloise countered.

Daisy couldn't lie, this conversation with Eloise was actually the most attention grabbing one she had had that day. "Alright, you win".

"Of course I do, I am very rarely wrong".

"Well, except in the case of Whistledown," Daisy replied. Now that has been fascinating . Apparently, the writer had been more scarce this season, but she had since made herself apparent in recent days. The entire circumstance was interesting, to say the least, and very much intriguing.

"Eloise!" Violet called, through the sea of eligible bachelors, "Come, dearest!" She grabbed hold of Eloise's arm, breaking the grip the girl had on Ophelia, "Come meet Lord Gillens, he has been asking about you".

And like that, Ophelia was all by her lonesome once more. Of course, half a dozen chaperones were dotted about the room, but Ophelia knew that nothing could ever come about these events for her. She knew her future, which consisted of unhappiness and unfulfillment. All she needed to do now was find a man halfway decent, so at least her children had a chance. She just wished Eloise would find her equal through this mess of silks and entitlement.

"Having any fun, yet?" An unknown voice asked from behind. Ophelia found Benedict within the crowd, fighting his way towards her. "I doubt you all, because the only emotion I'm detecting in this bleak room is dread".

Ophelia chuckled, "Ah, yes, it is not such an easy life being a woman. You would certainly not survive it," She joked.

Benedict snickered politely. "No, I guess not. Though, it cannot be easy when you know for a fact that not one of these men will be able to offer you what it is you truly desire". The comment was offbeat and unexpected, so much so that it threw Ophelia off balance for a second.

"Excuse me?" She asked, "What is that supposed to mean, Benedict?"

"Well," He cocked his head to the side, almost as if he regretted saying anything at all, "There are over half a dozen men in this room, and yet none of them are the one you look for".

Dread and impending doom filled her stomach as he spoke, and it was that lonely winter at Sommerhill all over again. "You do not know what you speak, Benedict Bridgerton, and you will do well to mind your words in the future," Ophelia snapped, whisking herself across the floor, and well away from his dangerous accusations. Violet stopped Ophelia in her tracks, a concerned look mounted on the mother's face. "I'm feeling quite faint, Violet, and rather unwell. I believe I shall retire to my room for the remainder of the day, I do not wish to pass this feeling on to anyone else".

"Shall I clear the room? We do not have to continue if you are unwell, dearest," Violet had been ever so kind since Ophelia's arrival, always offering the girl aid whenever she needed it. But all she needed in that moment was to be alone, complete and entirely.

"No, no, do not dismiss them so soon. Eloise, I believe, is engaged in meaningful conversation with, ah, Sir...whoever. Thank you, Violet".

Bypassing her, Ophelia all but ran the steps to her room, fleeing into the comfort of the room before her breakfast could come up.

It was happening all over again. A scandal she would never recover from, one she could not possibly instil on Eloise. She would have to flee, perhaps, back to Sommerhill. Yes, she could live out her days alone, with Mabel, and never step foot outside again. It wasn't the ideal circumstance, but also somehow managed to beat the poor outlook on her future just the same.

Ophelia refused to leave her room for the remainder of the day. Eloise tried to offer some comfort after the gentlemen of the ton had finally dismissed themselves, but even for her, Ophelia would not open her doors. Keeping a safe distance from the girl would be the only way she could protect her.

No matter how badly it hurt. 

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