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benedict bridgerton to the rescue

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The Queen's ball was the most exclusive invite of the season, and the Bridgerton clan had secured it with no issue. Violet had spent the day fussing over her eldest children who were still yet to marry, as Kate and Anthony took a less strict approach, and ensured everyone was ready on their own time. As always, the house stood with a vibrance to it, with laughter and playful banter filling its hallway.

But despite this vibrance, Ophelia kept herself locked away in her room, refusing both visitors and food, barring the maids who helped her into her evening dress, and only showing her face at the time of departure. She knew not who's ball they were headed to, or who would be in attendance, but she did know she must steer clear of Eloise for the entirety of the night, and most likely the nearing future as well. It was wrecked beyond repair, but Ophelia knew if she could keep the damage to a minimum, perhaps they could both escape this nightmare with few bruises.

Thankfully, it was seeing as if the over eager girl had taken the hint for the minute, because even as they locked eyes in the foyer of the Bridgerton home, Eloise did not so much utter a word. Instead, she followed her eldest brother out the front door, bidding farewell to her youngest siblings, a beeline set for the first carriage. Watching as she left, in her stunning lavender dress that hugged her body in all the right places, illuminating her pale skin like sunlight, Ophelia turned to her left after hearing movement along the floors.

"Shall we?" Benedict Bridgerton asked, a cheeky smile dancing on his lips. He offered her his arm, which she took gratefully, allowing him to lead her out to the second carriage, far away from the disaster which was her relationship with his sister. Violet and Viscountess Kate had taken to the first carriage, leaving Ophelia alone with the Bridgerton boy. "Have you seen Colin? I believe Mother manipulated him into coming as she did me".

"I saw him leave almost thirty minutes ago," Daisy said, settling her hands on her lap, as Benedict stuck his head back inside the carriage. "Perhaps he will meet us there?"

"Or he's made his escape for the night, the slick bastard," Benedict said with a hint of pride in his voice, "I wish I had thought of that". Slamming the carriage door closed, he settled into the seat opposite Daisy. "Are you still refusing to speak to my sister?"

"She dug her own grave," Daisy answered, regretting the spite that laced her words, "I cannot help her any longer".

Benedict frowned, looking down as if he searched for the proper words. As the carriage pulled to a start, he heaved a sigh. "She told me what happened. What was said".

"What she said," Daisy corrected, "I did not repeat the words back to her".

"Did you want to?"

"Did you tell Anthony already?" Daisy snapped back. She wished the girl had just kept her bloody mouth shut. Why, oh why, was that so impossible for her to do.

"What exactly is the plan now?" Benedict asked, seeming genuine. Daisy peered at him, unsure about what he meant, as Benedict lent closer, eyes sparkling. "Are you going to try to marry as quickly as possible? The season is almost half over, you may be able to avoid her for the rest of it, and make your escape back to your country estate. I don't mind the plan, but if there is one, I kind of need to know about it in order to help".

Daisy considered her options. Returning back to the country unwed and without a male figure to watch over her was appealing, but impractical. It would just land her back in London the following year, to go through this entire play once more. Marrying off now would be the best play.

"I need to marry," She said finally, as Benedict sat back against the carriage wall, "Someone kind, and considerate, but also someone who will not ask questions, and can respect privacy. Although at this point, I would take anyone, even if he were a troll".

"I can work with kind and considerate, but also respectful," Benedict promised, a mischievous glint in his eye, "Leave it to me, Miss Daisy".

Daisy was unsure whether she should be grateful or scared. 

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