6 • somewhere only we know

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"Could you take Carl up to the house? I want you to rest."


Bea woke up to hear muffled voices, which she realised were coming from outside the window from the room she was resting in. She had a killer headache, not just because of the amount of times she fell and probably hit her head too, but because of her grieving.

It felt as if even whilst she was resting she couldn't run away from the truths being presented to her by the apocalypse.

Sniffling as she wiped away a tear, Bea felt a bit startled when the young boy she heard from outside came dashing into the room. It was like he hadn't noticed her yet. He stormed to the corner of the room and sat there, knees tucked into his chest with a frown on his face.

"Alright little man?" Bea asked him gently, causing him to jump at the other presence in the room.

"Little man? You're like the same height as me," Carl replied confused, the new mysterious girl seemed the same age as him too, he thought.

"First of all, that's a lie, second of all I'm 15 so you're little man."

"That's what Shane calls me sometimes..." Carl trailed off.

"On second thought, I'll just call you Carl," Bea changed her mind, thinking of the psychotic man.

"Suits me fine."

Silence once more. Bea thought she was better than this at talking to younger kids, but hey, being the youngest sibling didn't give her the best practise.

"You know, I lost a friend of mine too," Bea tried out a different approach, eyes watering at the thought of Sara.

"You did?"

"Yeah, I did. And it's not easy, but, you have to do it for them now."

"Do what?"

"Survive, Carl. You need to survive for the people you lose."

"I thought you said you were 15, not 90..." Carl commented after taking in Bea's words.


"You sound like a wise old man."

Bea let out a laugh at the young boy's words, the first in a while for her. This gave Carl a smile too as he moved from his spot on the floor and sat at the edge of the bed where Bea was resting.

"Shane normally that crazy?" Bea asked the boy, curiosity grabbing a hold of her. How did he end up with a group of people that seemed so against what he just did?

"No, only since walkers started showing up," Carl said in thought.

"You call them walkers too?" Bea lightly smiled.

"That's what my dad calls them," Carl proudly tilted his head down, hand grazing the hat on his head.

"Ah, your dad's a sheriff? He helped me get back here, I'm pretty sure..." Bea said after seeing the hat Carl had on, hands rubbing against her scarred arms from her battles with nature.

"Yeah he did, he-"

"Carl!" a voice from outside the room called.

"I gotta go, bye old man," Carl casually waved as he went to find who needed him.

Funny kid, Bea thought to herself. She was glad that her joking around with him seemed to have helped.

It made her feel better too. Less lonely, in this house full of strangers. Yes, they had saved her, taken her in, patched her up. But how long would she be able to stay? Could she cope with staying in the same place as where Ruth had died?

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