Chapter 1

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I was going to kill Lily . She had ditched me once again to hang out with her boyfriend Dillian.

This was the fourth time this month that I had made plans with my friend and she hadn't shown up. There was no way in hell she was living this down!

"Hello?" Lily sounds all happy and perky over the phone, but I will not let her cheeriness deter me from my mission.

"Lilian Reagan Parks where are you?!" I yell into the phone, causing the people standing the people near to give me strange looks and walk away, but I don't care. I was used to being ignored at school so this wasn't very unusual to me.

"Hi Sky! What's up?" That girl was going down!

"Where. Are. You." I repeat as if I am talking to a 2 year old.

"Oh crap. Skylar I know we had plans but Dillian surprised me after class last period, and he seemed so eager that I felt bad saying no! You know how he gets. He's still pretty shy especially around you. Do you have to make him feel like an idiot?" Lily is whispering, but because she's extremely loud, this comes out as a pretty normal volume.

"Lily, just because your boyfriend surprises you with a date, doesn't mean you can go around ditching me every time we make plans. Either you find a way to leave Dillian or find a new best friend!" I know I'm being unreasonable, but she's gotta learn one way or another.

Lily breathes in deeply. "Fine. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Meet me by our secret spot." Out secret place being a hideout that most people don't know about.

"See you soon," I reply innocently.

17 minutes later I am waiting for Lily when a navy Lamborghini drives up.
Loud music is blaring from the car as it screeches to a halt.

I am surprised when the 4 most popular boys in my school hop out, but I was more surprised when they started walking to me.

Alec, the school player, recently moved to town and happened to move next door and our bedroom windows were a mere foot from each other. He used to live here but 3 years ago his dad died and his mom wanted to live near her parents for a while.

It was as if nothing had changed; Alec was still best friends with all the cool boys, Theo(star quarterback), Ryder (known prankster), and Colton(the schools "perfect" boy).

And I was so fortunate to have all 4 of them walk towards me. I was going to kill Lily! I can't believe she's not here yet!

Alec sees me squirming and smirks at me, his tanned face displaying deep dimples. Man he was hot!

The boys are now right in front of me and they give me the up and down. I try to give an uninterested face, but I must look like a complete idiot, because Alec's smirk widens.

"Skylar, right?" How in the world does he know my name? I hadn't known that he knew of my existence. The boys see the confusion plastered all over my face and they all start cracking up.

"Uh, yeah. What's up?" I mumble.

"Well," starts Ryder, taking over for Alec, "We were wondering if you were busy Friday night?"

"You guys want to know if I'm busy Friday? Why?"

The boys laugh and I blush. "We wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us being that you are Alec's," he gestures to Alec as if I had no clue who he was, "neighbor. So, you want to come hang with us?"

I had made plans with Lily, but karma's a bitch, so I agree.

Alec asks for my phone so he can add himself to my contacts and I hand it over along with a warning look. I do NOT want to lose my phone to a bunch of jerks.

Alec punches his number in and hands the phone back.
"See ya Friday, babe," he calls back as the boys turn around and walk away, almost walking into Lily who has finally arrived, 15 minutes late. I blush furiously at his words and Lily gives me a questioning glance.

I sigh and explain what just happen and tell her that our plans are off for Friday.

She nods and agreed on the condition that she comes before I hang out with the boys to help me look decent.

I glare at her, after all, why can she make conditions for me ditching out plans, when she just doesn't show up. I agree anyways.

"So how was your time with Dillian?" I prod, not that Lily needs it. In 30 seconds she is gushing about how he's a HUGE gentleman and how he does the most perfect and sweetest things EVER!

After a while I just tune out and start to wonder why the boys want to hang out with me. And why now? Whatever. I'll find out when I text Alec later like he asked.

"Are you even listening to me?" Lily accuses. I smile at her angelically and answer with complete honesty, "Nope."

She sticks her tongue out at me very maturely and I return the gesture.

I check the time on my phone and tell Lily that I have to go. She knows how much my mother hates when I'm late for dinner, so she nods and gives me a hug.

"See you later boo," she calls.

I stick my tongue at her and she laughs.
As I pull up to my house, I notice that Alec's car isn't in his driveway. Not that I'm a stalker or anything.

As I'm entering the code into my front door, a car pulls up and honks twice.

"Hey babe. Text me tonight."

I roll my eyes, but nod and head inside.
"Hey sweetie!" my mom calls. "How was your day?"

"Fine. I got an A- on my bio report."

"Honey! That's amazing!" My mom knows how hard biology is for me, and my teacher, Dr. Fox, seems to hate me.

"Yeah, I was pretty surprised. How was work?" My mother is a renowned real estate agent and uses the fact that she is her own boss to her advantage. She is always home when my siblings and I get home from school and loves to talk to us about our days.

My older sister Kate is currently in college, getting a medical degree, so she is never home anymore and my brother is 2 years younger than me, making him in the 9th grade. He goes to a swanky private school that my family can now afford because of my parents both doing well with their jobs. Not that anyone in school knows and that's how I like it.

Josh, my brother, loves football and plans on playing in the NFL when he is older and he is pretty good.

"Work went well. Finally sold the Richards' house. Took long enough!"

"Glad to hear it mom. I'm going to go work on my homework now so I'll talk to you later."

It was Wednesday night and the week was almost over, but I liked to finish my work in advance so I never have to much work ever night.

Oh and I also had to text one of the most popular boys in school.

No biggie.

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