Chapter 11

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Lily stays home with me on Tuesday and we go on a Netflix rampage together and get through a good eight episodes of Grey's.

After a dinner of Chinese takeout, Lily goes home so her parents won't realize that she hadn't really been sick today and has just been ditching with me. Lily's parents both work long days as busy attorneys in New York City, so Lily has some time before they should get home, but she wants to be safe.

Since Lily has gone and left me to drown myself in more Netflix alone, I'm sure my night is going to be relatively quiet.

When the bell rings two minutes later, I regret my previous thought, realizing I must have jinxed a night without disturbances.

I'm currently the only one home because Josh is at Noah's house, the little turd sent me flowers which someone ended up by my neighbor's dog, Bella, so they, unfortunately, are chewed up, and Kate and Zach are, not surprisingly, on a date. This left me, in my, and I quote Dr. Wyatt, "unstable condition" to go all the way downstairs to see who's at the door.

Okay, and I'm just lazy and don't want to get up from my comfy bed.

When I finally got to the door, I was glad I hadn't just ignored the persistent ringing.

Alec was leaning against the door frame in his leather jacket that he always wears.

I invite him in and we go to the living room to hang out.

After convincing Alec that I'm fine and not going to die, we move our conversation onto a more interesting topic: school, note the sarcasm.

"How's the campaigning going for Colton? Is he already school president?" I joke. I honestly wouldn't be surprised though because he is so charismatic.

"No, not yet at least. But the look on the other candidates faces when they walked into school this morning to see all the 'Vote for Colton' banners around school, was priceless! Totally worth almost getting caught last night," Alec said with a chuckle.

"You guys almost got caught? What happened?" I'm sure whatever happened with the guys yesterday was probably more exciting than my boring night.

"Yeah, but we were fine," Alec reassures me.

"So," Alec starts, getting comfortable on the couch he's sitting on, which is opposite the couch I'm sitting on. "We get into the school fairly easily, just like I suspected. The school's security sucks. When we got in, we were sure it'd be a clean and simple task, decorating the school. We split ourselves into two groups to try to get more work done in less time: me and Colton, Theo and Ryder.

"Colton was acting like an ass, making me hang up all the signs by myself since he was the one running to become president, so I covered him in the pink glitter that we had brought in case some came off the signs."

I can't hold my laughter in at this. "Colton's posters had glitter on them? Colton Davis?" Colton is a serious student whose goal is to get in to at least three Ivy Leagues with scholarships, even though he could afford the schools without them. He's the type of person to write an essay on why you should vote for him and by the end of reading it, even his opponents would vote for him. He's most definitely not the type of person to put glitter on his campaign posters and he's even less likely to use pink glitter!

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