Chapter 8

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The weekend flew by and, before I knew it, it was Monday again.

Monday. The worst day of the week. The best day for coffee. The day most accuratley described by Garfield.

After getting dressed in a pull-over sweatshirt, skinny jeans, and my Doc Martens, I text Lily asking when she'll be ready.

As I wait for her to reply I think of my day with Alec and everything I told him. He now thinks I have feelings for him, but I wasn't being so honest with him when I told him how I feel. I mean yes, he's hot. And yes, I enjoy hanging out with him, but there's no way I'm falling for him! He's a player and I want him to fall for me so I can break his heart and he can feel what he's made most the female population at school feel: heartbreak.

The only thing that's really holding me back from making him fall for me is his story about Beth. I can't help but feel bad for him after he told me all that he went through. I told Lily this but she said I shouldn't let the story hold me back because Alec seems fine and over it now.

My phone buzzes with a text from Lily.

"getting a ride w D. go w Alec;) ill c u soon"

"k. c u in hell," I reply back and the text Alec, asking if  he wants a ride.

"Why don't u come w me today instead? we can mke us official to the school  if u want?"

At  his text, I semi-panic. How will everyone react when they see me and Alec together? What if they think that he made a mistake choosing me for his girlfriend? And will Blaire, the queen b (and the 'b' doesn't stand for bee...), freak out on me? She thinks that Alec's her's so when she sees him with another girl, she'll probably pounce.

But, like they say, there's no time like the present so maybe we should just get our relationship's publicity over with and just rip the band-aid off quickly.

"Sure," I text Alec back. "I'll b out in 2 mins"

I then grab a snack and a water bottle and shove them into my bag and head out.

Alec is waiting on his porch and when he sees me, he comes and hugs me.

"Good morning," he says, smiling down at me.

"Morning," I answer back with a pit in my stomach. I can't help but feel guilty that I'm lying to him. He thinks he's in an honest relationship with me, while I'm just tricking him into thinking I'm serious about this. I mean it was random; I barely ever spoke to him and he asks me to be his girlfriend randomly which is fishy, but still. I'm going to have to tell him soon, but I don't want to just yet. I've enjoyed being in a relationship with himfor the past few days,  so I'm going to wait to tell him I'm a liar and I'll see what happens.

As we drive to school, we listen to music and Alec holds my hand in the middle of us while he hums to Don't Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers featuring Daya on the radio.

When we pull up to the old building, Alec looks at me and smiles.

"You ready?" he asks me.

"As ready as I'm ever going to be, I guess. Let's get this over with," I say with a weak smile in reaction to all the students milling around.

I take a deep breath in and we both get out of the car and when Alec takes my hand in his, everyone around us goes quiet.

"Ignore them," Alec whispers in to my ear, making me shiver slightly when his breath fans me. "If you don't pay attention to them, they'll leave you alone."

I smile at him, but I don't feel reassured. I know how the kids in my school act, Blaire and her croonies in particular.

And talking of the devil, here she comes now. And it's probably not to wish our relationship well.

Blaire smiles sweetly at Alec, but when she turns to me, her smile becomes more venomous.

"Alec, Taylor, how are you doing? I didn't know y'all were a thing," she drawls out as she nods towards our intertwined hands.

"Yep. This is my girlfriend Skylar. Sky, I have to go talk to a teacher before school starts so I'll see you a little later." He then pecks me on my lips, I blush, and he leaves.

"So, Kylar. I bet you think you're so cool now that you're dating Alec. What did you do? Pay him to date you for a week so you'd become popular and actually have friends? Don't worry, after a day with you, Alec will realize that he made a mistake choosing you as a girlfriend. Or will he realize that after a night with you? After he realizes how unexperienced you are, he'll leave in an instant for someone with more...practice, like me." Unlike when Alec was here, Blaire's fake smile has completely disappeared and her fangs have come out.

"My name's Skylar and I don't care about being popular. Unlike you I don't stuff my bra and I don't cake my face with makeup. Unlike you I'm not a fake and I don't sleep with everyone that breathes, so feel free to keep your unwanted opinion to yourself, thank you very much." And with that I walk away from Blaire Cho, digging my own grave.

Great job Sky. Instead of making myself stay in the background and out of the social spotlight, I've just made everyone notice me. Great job.


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