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"I don't get why you hate him so much, He's such a good guy." I looked at Tina's reflection from across the public bathroom, catching a glimpse of my sulking figure, leaning against an empty cubicle door.

"That's what they all say before they get utterly fucking played by a mother fucker who looks like drooling pitbull." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms to emphasize my disagreement. Was I wrong? No, I'm never wrong.

"Well... Ugh."I tutted and shook my head. "I'm right. You can't deny it. He's ugly AND he asked you out after 3 days of knowing you. Get better taste." Tina pouted but stayed silent as she continued to fix her hair.

"What do you think about that Sam guy in our chems?" I grimaced in disgust. "That emo weirdo? He actually talked to me last friday, about how good I smelled after I had a therapy session."

"Wait wait we skipped a lotta chapters there, you had a therapy session last friday? With who?? Where??" Not even a second later, she was already gaping at me.

"You know that new texan kid who transfered not so long ago, Nigel? Nile? Something along th- oh it's Nick, got it." I shrugged.

"Still can't believe someone actually complimented the smell of cigarettes, That Sam guy is on something." I shuddered visibly at the memory.

Sam always seemed like he sniffed on something before going to school, Most of the time I saw him out of school, he's either getting beaten up or walking home in his own little world.

In-short he's a creepy weirdo.

"Sounds like he's hitting on you, Practically everyone is, who the fuck won't." Tina shook her head with a smirk as she pretends to check me out. "I might try to get a piece of that next." She teased and I only rolled my eyes.

Soon the bell rang and we were forced to get out of the girls bathroom. "Here's a Loverboy to your right." Tina whispers teasingly while we walked through the hallway to our next class.

I looked to the right as we passed by an intersection to see non-other than Dream, A dirty blonde, almost brunette with gorgeous annoying bright green eyes. The asshole was busy to notice us staring, too occupied by the pretty girl he had pinned against one of the lockers.

Classic Football jock.

"Loverboy my ass. He's a dickhead." I mumbled so only she could hear.

"What are you talking about? Didn't he got you flowers the other day?" My head snapped at Tina's direction as my eyes widen. He did?!

"Dream got me what?" My eyebrows furrow in disbelief and so did hers.

"Dude, I'm not talking about Dream." She deadpanned and I blinked in return.


Oh right.

Kenji Sun got me flowers for Valentine's day last week...

I look over not far from Dreams figure towards Kenji and his friends who just freshly exited from the cafeteria.

"Kenji's a loser." I shook my head, trying to hide my embarrassment but failing miserably at Tina's expression.

"You need to see a therapist, you're obsession is like George-Davidson-being-gay clear." Tina states as a matter of fact which I just rolled my eyes to at the exaggeration.

"No one is more obsessed here than you are to whoever George Davidson is." I remarked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay, whatever you say." She smirked which I didn't pay much attention to as we continued on towards our class.

Though her words catched up to me pretty quickly, taking my focus off the professor's boring class. Was it that obvious that I liked him? It couldn't be, it's just because i've known Tina for so long and we basically share the same mindset.

Like shit, me? Admitting that I like someone? That's unreal.

It wasn't him that was occupying my head, it was the thought of him that turned my mind into shambles.

He's personality never caught my interest, but his looks definitely never fails to do so.

He's a complete dumbass who shaves his dick with female validation and throws balls for a living. That's the complete opposite of my type.

But yet he's so attractive, I can't help but fantasize about someone like him being a part of my sex life. His masculine build towering over me in a way he wants me the way I want him.


Just sexually.

Fuck, I really need a distraction.

- A Moment -

"You should leave before people get crowded in the halls." I tutted as I put my jeans back on, pulling out a packet of cigarettes from my bag in the process and lighting it.

"Uhm, Do you want to stay in contact?" I turned to the guy with a polite smile. "Might aswell, you were good company." I reached into my jeans pocket and pulled out a pen to write my number on his wrist.

There was no way I'm going to contact him again but I had to keep an at least likeable personality incase I want to score one of his friends next.

"I'll call you." I took a puff of my cigarette before waving him goodbye. Once the doors shut, I moved to turn the lock.

Fuck whoever comes knocking on that damn door needing to relieve their bladders, This bathroom is mine for the next hour.

I rolled my eyes at the baseball bat the guy leaning next to the door. Awh, Too bad. Shit looks expensive. He'll never see this baby again, It's mine now.

I looked at the clock, mentally making a timer before putting on my headphones and blasting Phonkha.

A pleased sigh left my mouth as the familiar beats crowds my senses, I pulled my laptop out of my bag and began working on academic activities I needed to complete.

There were times the loud thumping sounded louder than my desired volume but I didn't make a move on seeming to care as I buried my attention deeply into making a class topping essay.

After an hour of nerding myself out, I finally stood up from the corner and pushed all of my belongings in my bag. I looked down at the ashes of cigarettes i left behind all throughout the bathroom floor before deciding, Fuck it. It'll get cleaned up either way, ashes can't be finger print traced.

I sighed as I stood infront of the door, getting ready for the social interactions I'll have the moment I step out. I swallowed thickly and flipped the lock.

My jaw drops as my head registers the sight before me.

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