Chapter 14 (Edited)

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After no real sleep, it's morning so I get out of bed and start a new day. I quickly go through my morning motions of getting dressed, pinning up my hair, etcetera.

Out the door, I go as fast as possible with a migraine pounding at full strength. I head straight for Shaneel and her miracle medicines. However, what I find at the hospital is Shaneel looking as bad as I do.

She is quickly preparing her miracle meds as I enter. "Shaneel are you okay?"

"Not really, I had the worst night's sleep. I felt like I was dreaming but maybe not since I now feel like I have not slept a bit. I was in bed all night but I am not rested. I can't explain it. How do you sleep but feel like you didn't? Oh, and my dream was bizarre. It just kept playing in my head like it was on repeat. I would wake up briefly when it was over just to fall back asleep and wake up again to the same dream a while later."

"That is kind of bizarre. Who ever heard of a dream on repeat? So, what did you dream about?"

"That was even stranger. I dreamt I was talking to a god. Or maybe not talking to but conversing in some way. Like a higher power was communicating through me. Like I said a bizarre night all around."

"What do you think was being communicated?"

"Not exactly sure. I kept getting this odd feeling that I was needed for something but I am just not sure."

"Well, that is strange."

Shaneel went about taking the different concoctions she had made for herself. Then she made mine and I took them well still in the hospital. Given what Shimmer and I had discovered I was sure what was happening to Shaneel was tied to it somehow so I decided to talk to her further about her night.

"So, did anything else strange happen last night? Besides your bizarre dream that is."

"No, not really. I mean I thought I saw someone in the barracks last night when everyone should have been in bed asleep. It was in-between one of my bizarre dream loops so I am unsure. It may have been nothing but a shadow on the wall."

"Oh, there was one other thing about the dream loop. I remember someone or something telling me to open my mind to my abilities. Whatever that means."

"Huh, that is strange. I better get going I need to meet with Shimmer this morning."

"Have a good day," I called over my shoulder as I left the hospital.

I hurried as quickly as my feet could carry me without full on running to the pavilion assuming Shimmer would be at breakfast by now. I was correct. Shimmer was seated at her head table partaking in the morning meal.

I grabbed my plate of food and took a seat next to her. I leaned in towards her shoulder and whispered. "We need to talk in private as soon as possible."

I then proceeded to hurriedly eat my meal. Well aware that if I did not my headache might worsen. I remember from past migraines brought on by my lack of sleep that food was key to the medicine's ability to 'kick' the headache. Besides I did not like the nausea that would follow taking the medicine without food.

Even as excitedly nervous as I was I knew skipping breakfast was a mistake anyway, because I would not get another chance to eat before lunch. It was sure to be an eventful day.

Shimmer and I finished our breakfast at a record pace and decided to return to her barracks for some privacy. Upon entering her front door, we took our regular seats and I began our conversation with a slight nod to the side of my head and a whimsical little smirk on my lips. Both hands up directing attention to my face. "I could not sleep last night as you can probably see written all over my face."

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