Chapter 8 (Edited)

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My fellow hunters and I are sitting on the benches in front of Shimmer's barracks as my thoughts wander to the forest and what my life will be like without my daily hunting trips. I suppose that is why I am sitting here this morning. Shimmer will soon be informing all of us how we will fill our days from here on out.

I'm startled back to my senses when Shimmer addresses me, "Come inside with me Aurora." Leaving the other hunters to wait for word. Once inside she gestures to the three chairs that sit in front of her desk with her left hand as she passes them. I take a seat in the center chair as always. Shimmer sits at her desk straight across from me and begins "I wish to discuss something of great importance to our colony with you before addressing your fellow hunters."

"As our colony leader, I feel the colony is threatened, because of this our laws require me to appoint someone to pass all colony information to. Therefore, ensuring if anything happens to me someone knowledgeable in the colony's ways will still be in control. Due to recent events, I suspect you have figured out there is a lot about our colony that our people do not know. The dome and the technology that created it for example have been a secret only the colony leader had privy to for a century at least. Even I do not know all of the secrets we are about to unlock."

I listened in silence as Shimmer continued.

"I realize that you are not familiar with all of the duties of a colony leader. I doubt anyone other than myself truly is. However, I do believe that you are the best choice to become protégé to the governess of Community."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. In the last few days, I had heard rumors that with the recent threats to Community, our laws required Shimmer to appoint a governor or governess in training to learn how to be the colony leader in case Shimmer became unable to lead. I just never imagined that person would be me. While lost in the shock of her proposal I shifted forward in my chair and placed my elbows on Shimmer's desk. I lowered my chin to rest on my hands. To my embarrassment I discovered my mouth was hanging open slightly. I tried to cover it up by closing my mouth as my chin came to rest on my hands, but I knew she saw. What a joke I must look like. Shimmer offers to teach me how to lead Community and I look at her like a lost puppy dog. Some leader I'll be. Clearly, she sees more in me than I see in myself. I wonder why that is.

Shimmer kindly ignored my 'shock-and-awe' pose and continued. "You are aware of Community's hierarchy. As a sector leader, you know that your leadership responsibilities stop at being solely responsible for managing all of your sector's affairs. You are well aware that a sector leader only has power over their sector, no one else's, no exceptions. You also know that sector leaders are only held accountable by their governess. That understanding of boundaries is about to change for you. You will no longer be responsible for just the hunters. You will learn to be responsible for everyone you know. In fact, you must give up your position as leader of the hunters. I leave you to name your successor."

"Okay," Is all I could think to say.

Shimmer continued, "A long time ago it was decided that simple was better. Those who created our colony felt technology and fear had been responsible for mankind's near extinction. That is why it was decided the colony leader alone would know our true capabilities. If faced with a threat, they were to use their judgment to determine our course. If that course was being guided out of fear for our survival once again then a protégé was to be selected and our technological advances tapped into to ensure our survival. This is where you come in. Together we will unlock our people's secrets and make the decisions that will determine if we live or die."

The next several minutes passed in awkward silence. When I had organized my thoughts, I sat up straight and replied. "I accept the position as protégé to my governess." My words sounded much more confident than I felt. I have no idea why Shimmer has chosen me to lead our people if need be, but I trust her judgment as always. I must admit a part of me is very excited at the opportunity to take part in something new and very different than what I am accustomed to.

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