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"Hey , watch where you put that you are gonna break it " Mary groaned she had been standing here watching the guards moving Francis stuff into her room for over a hour . Francis , just the thought of his name made her smile . CRASH .
" Oh for piss sakes " she grumbled under her breath " where is my darn husband he should be watching over them "

On que he strolled in . Mary's world stopped around her as she watched him glide towards her . She wasn't even sure if he was walking or floating . Her eyes never left his .

" You're staring again " he whispered letting his lips lightly graze her ear . "Keep it up and I might just have to tell everyone to leave "

Delicious shivers ran down her body .
He's doing that on purpose , well two can play at this game .

" I can't help it you're just so ... Mmm" biting her lip she reached up and ran thumb over his bottom lip " maybe you should tell them to leave "

" Really " he asked breathlessly

Giggling she shook her head " nope "
Childishly she stuck her tongue out at him " I can tease to you know"

" Is that so " snaking his arm around her waist he pulled her up against him . Breath caught in her throat as he leaned down to kiss her . Leaning in she deepened the kiss . " God you're way to beautiful for your own good "

" Says the God of love "

" God of love " he lifted a eyebrow at her " maybe I should show you what the God of love can do "

" Francis " she giggled playfully slapping his chest " there are people here .

" Where "

Looking around she noticed everyone had left . " but how? When ? "

" You were just way to into me you didn't even see me send them out " he laughed .

Heat slowly crept up her neck to Her cheeks .

" Wow you're such a delicious shade of red . Makes me wanna .... " Picking her up bridle Style he carried her to the bed and laid her down . Standing there he looked down at her not making move to touch . Mary's heart beat picked up as she started squirming "well are you going to come join me or just stand there all day ? "

" But the view is so magnificent why would I do anything but look "

Need took hold of her as she reach up and brought him down . Their lips crashing in pure lust . Spinning he lifted her up so she was straddling him . " mm there now I can see that view again "

"Francis " she moaned biting her lip .

"Yes sugar " he teased tugging her lip free .

"Um excuse me your grace but Kenna has fallen ill and sir Sebastian told me to come get you "

Startled they both looked up . "What"

" I um I was told.. "

"No it's ok we heard you " Francis spoke ushering her out .

" Kenna is sick ? I have to go see her "

" Fine lets go " Francis groaned


" BASH what's wrong wrong with her "

Mary is that you Mary .whats wrong with me why cant I talk . MARY PLEASE SOME ONE HEAR ME . No wait it's happening no please I have to stay awake . SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME .
"Mary " Why does my voice sounds so weak .

"She's not here anymore sweetheart "

" Bash ?"
"Ya its me open your eyes " he sounds worried . What did he say oh ya open my eyes . Why can't I opened them ? Kenna concentrate one at a time open them .
" I can't I'm so tired "

" No Kenna please stay with me open them please " hot tears hit my cheek . He's crying .

" I'm so sorry don't cry "

"No Kenna please you have to fight it "

"Kenna sweetheart you have to wake up " .

" Bash " she flickered open her eyes just to shut them from the intense light . " It's nice to see you again "

" Well I see you still have your sense of humour . Can you sit up for me "

" Is that sarcasm ,that I hear " Kenna giggled slowly pulling her self up

" I love that sound I hope I get to hear lots more you gave us quite a scare " looking up she could see the sorrow in his eyes .
" Bash have you even slept you look horrible "

" Well it's nice of you to notice . How you feeling " slowly he brought his hand to her forehead . "Your fever seems to have gone done "

" No keep it there " she pleaded placing his hand on her head again " it feels good "

Smiling he looked down at her " I've missed you and as much as I'd love to keep it there I will need it to bring you food you most eat something "

" But I'm not really "
"No Kenna stop you have to eat end of story " he cut her off .

Pouting she sank back into the bed .
" Oh don't try pouting with me it won't work " he teased . She sat silent and watched him walk to the table for the tray of food . Mm I think I'd rather eat him even sleep deprived he looks so damn fine .
" Can't I just eat you."

Laughing he sat the tray in her lap "you have been out for two days and that's the first thing you think about ? "

Grinning she shook her head up and down her belly doing cart wheels at the thought .

" Your something else you know that " he laughed " now eat not a lot your stomach has to get used to food again so just try the soup "

Greedily she started to stuff spoonfuls in to her mouth . The liquid burned as it went down but she didn't care as long as it kept warming her insides . After a few minutes she place the spoon back on the tray " all done can I have you now "

"As much as I'd love that I think you need to take it easy rest " he stated

" But I've been resting for the last two days " she counteracted " just a little fun "

" Your making this really hard sweetheart please just lay down I'll clean up then we can cuddle " he pleaded


Signing he picked up the tray and cleaned it up. She watched as he walked to the wooden tub . " If your gonna strip I just might have to join you "

Looking back he smirked and raised his eyebrow. Slowly he undressed one garment at a time . She could feel her palms getting sweaty . Her heart beat pick up . those little butterflies in her stomach coming alive . Fuck this men was hot. Pulling the his shirt over his he threw it to the floor . His perfect muscle flexing " your teasing me aren't you " her mouth suddenly very dry

" Oh you like the show huh " he tease " how about coming here and taking these off " looking down he pulled at the laces of his pants .

"I um " she stutter not taking her eyes from his hand .

Laughing he walked up to her " my sweet angel lay down and rest I'll be out in a bit " gently he kissed her head making her skin tingle . "Rest well"

" Oh hey bash what did the doctor to say "

"Don't worry about that love . I'll tell you later you just rest for now." He smiled kissing her again before heading back to the tub . I could have sworn he looked worry there for a minute probably just my mind playing tricks on me.

A/n enjoy :) favourite and comment sorry for any mistakes

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