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Laying there beside her ,I softly start stoking her cheek . She's so beautiful just laying here all peaceful .

"Oh how I wish I could keep you here . safe from everyone who could hurt you" I whisper in her ear

Moaning softly she rolls on her side . Lazily peeking threw her long lashes .
"Is it morning already " she yawned
Nodding I pull her closer to me planting a kiss on her lips . She whimpers as I pull away .

"I have to go I'll see u in a bit " I confess ,running my fingers threw her hair .

I didn't want to leave her but as king I had duties to check on .
"Francis " bash yells from some where behind me . Turning around I see him running towards me .
"Why didn't u tell me Mary was Hurt" breathless he moaned
Grabbing him by the arm I pulled him into a corner safe from wondering ears .
"How did u find out ?" I question

"Kenna told me " he confessed "but it should have been YOU if I would have known I could have helped her "

"How brother , how would you have helped her ? What could you have done that I didn't ? Or did you expect her to come running into your arms? "

"WHAT ! Of course not brother I have a wife I love . Mary is married to you ,all I meant was I would have liked to know . That is all " He argued turning around and leaving

"Bash , wait "I started I to call after him but quickly gave up . Im in to good of a mood to let bash ruin it .

Knocking on her to door, I could hear shuffling of foot steps inside . The door cracked open but only enough to see her lovely face .

"Oh hi bash ,come in " she gestured ,taking a seat on the couch . I sat down beside her .

"Why didn't you tell me , I could have found them and killed them for u "

Sighing deeply " It's over now . There gone dead . I want to forget let me forget " she pleaded

I grabbed for her hand but quickly pulled back "I'm sorry but next time your in trouble I would like to be informed about it " I Rose to my feet and walked toward the door .

" Bash " she called after me " thank you for caring , it means a lot "
Giving her a weak smile I turned and left .


Does everyone know I wonder . Shaking my head I walked to the door I need fresh air . The brisk morning air hit my face like tiny little razor blades . But I didn't care it was nice to feel something other then my aching pain inside . Children's laughter could be heard across the yard . Wanting to inspect what all the fuss was about I walked closer
"WOOSH" is all I could hear as a snow balls flew passed my head
" We are so sorry your majesty , we never meant to aim at u " terrified looks on there pretty littles faces.
"that's quite all right " I giggle fling a snowball at them . Fingers frozen , melting snow covering me from head to toe but I could careless . Nothing ever felt as free as playing with children . No care in the world just laughter and innocents .

"Nice throw " condē laughed from behind me .
"I'm not gonna miss you " taunted aiming for his head. little snowflakes exploded around him as my weapon hit it's target.

"Not fair , I wasn't ready " he teased grabbing snow in his hand.
Docking just in time as another 1 wissed by him . Giggling like school girls, for the next half hour as our snow battle played out .

Breathlessly 1 confessed my defeat and asked him to join me on the walk back to the castle .

" You know I've never met any1 quite like u . So free and happy just to play in the snow where others would think there to old or good to " he praised

"Oh stop , you have to say that remember I'm your queen " I challenge

" Your quite right but I'm serious . you play like u have no worries , but yet I know there are many , it's one thing I adore about you" he smile

Smiling , I open the door in to corridor
" It seems we most part ways now , thank you for the wonderful morning "

" And to you my queen it was quite a honour to be in your presence " he flirted lightly kissing my hand before leaving .
Smiling I watched him leave. He's the only person that let's me forget that awful night I thought making my way to find my ladies in waiting .Even Francis no matter how sweet and caring he's still reminds me of that horrible night .

I must go find condē I sneered after witnessing his shameless flirting with my wife . Finding sitting in his room , I walked towards him .
"I'd like to have a word with you " I commended
Taken a back " What can I help u with " he asked
" I'd like to talked to u about my wife "
" Aw Mary she is quite a girl isn't she ?" He smiled
" Yes she is ! And she's my wife . So stop your flirt or whatever u call it and STAY AWAY FROM HER . SHE IS MY WIFE NOT YOURS AND I WILL NOT HAVE U PARADING AROUND HER LIKE SOME LOVE SICK PUPPY " I screamed .
" I am not some love sick fool trying to win your wife . I'm only trying to help her get her mind everything that happened to her and I seems to me I'm doing a better job at it then you are . when was the last time she was happy around you, when was the last Time you made her laugh" he spat back at me

" IM WARNING YOU . DO NOT PUSH ME I WILL NOT TAKE IT " I said takin a threating step towards him.
" Get out of my room" he snarled back
I balled my hand up in a fist ready to put him in his place . Thinking better of it I lower and hand and stalk back to the door

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